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Should I use a C# Dictionary if I only need fast lookup of keys, and values are irrelevant?

I am in need of a data type that is able to insert entries and then be able to quickly determine if an entry has already been inserted. A Dictionary seems to suit this need (see example). However, I have no use for the dictionary's values. Should I still use a dictionary or is there another better suited data type?

public class Foo {     private Dictionary<string, bool> Entities;      ...      public void AddEntity(string bar)     {         if (!Entities.ContainsKey(bar))         {             // bool value true here has no use and is just a placeholder             Entities.Add(bar, true);         }     }      public string[] GetEntities()     {         return Entities.Keys.ToArray();     }  } 
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reformed Avatar asked Mar 03 '17 17:03


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2 Answers

You can use HashSet<T>.

The HashSet<T> class provides high-performance set operations. A set is a collection that contains no duplicate elements, and whose elements are in no particular order.

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Habib Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 04:10


Habib's answer is excellent, but for multi-threaded environments if you use a HashSet<T> then by consequence you have to use locks to protect access to it. I find myself more prone to creating deadlocks with lock statements. Also, locks yield a worse speedup per Amdahl's law because adding a lock statement reduces the percentage of your code that is actually parallel.

For those reasons, a ConcurrentDictionary<T,object> fits the bill in multi-threaded environments. If you end up using one, then wrap it like you did in your question. Just new up objects to toss in as values as needed, since the values won't be important. You can verify that there are no lock statements in its source code.

If you didn't need mutability of the collection then this would be moot. But your question implies that you do need it, since you have an AddEntity method.

Additional info 2017-05-19 - actually, ConcurrentDictionary does use locks internally, although not lock statements per se--it uses Monitor.Enter (check out the TryAddInternal method). However, it seems to lock on individual buckets within the dictionary, which means there will be less contention than putting the entire thing in a lock statement.

So all in all, ConcurrentDictionary is often better for multithreaded environments.

It's actually quite difficult (impossible?) to make a concurrent hash set using only the Interlocked methods. I tried on my own and kept running into the problem of needing to alter two things at the same time--something that only locking can do in general. One workaround I found was to use singly-linked lists for the hash buckets and intentionally create cycles in a list when one thread needed to operate on a node without interference from other threads; this would cause other threads to get caught spinning around in the same spot until that thread was done with its node and undid the cycle. Sure, it technically didn't use locks, but it did not scale well.

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Matt Thomas Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 05:10

Matt Thomas