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c++ library reference in linux

Hi I am new to programming in Linux, I was wondering do Linux have any reference document that's similar to MSDN? Particularly, I am interested in an offline version of C++ Standard Library Reference and any library installed on my computer and I can use it to browse or look up when issuing man or info command. Also, If I want to know the implementation of a particular header file or a particular function.. what places should I look for? /include , /usr/local/include?

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newbiecplusplus Avatar asked Oct 10 '22 06:10


1 Answers

Use the man utility. Most packages and programming languages have standard manual pages. For example, to find out about vfprintf, type man vfprintf and you will get a manual page about all the printf variants. Some distributions may not install development manual pages by default; you may need -dev, -devel or -doc packages.

The header files are located in /usr/include and /usr/local/include.

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Delan Azabani Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10

Delan Azabani