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C# html to pdf converter using wkhtmltopdf or any other free tools [closed]

What is the perfect tool for converting html to pdf in C# ?? I have found wkhtmltopdf through stackoverflow.com . But its not working . showing this message in time of converting "www.google.com" in command line.

C:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf>wkhtmltoimage.exe www.google.com go.pdf

Loading page (1/2)

Rendering (2/2)

Error: Could not save image


I have also downloaded EO.pdf , but not sure how to use it through C# or command line. Just want a simple tool and guideline in C# which can convert html to pdf from url or html soruce . thanks in advance

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Quazi Marufur Rahman Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 01:02

Quazi Marufur Rahman

1 Answers

Your issue is that you are attempting to use wkhtmltoimage.exe to generate a PDF. Use wkhtmltopdf.exe instead and you should be fine.

C:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf>wkhtmltopdf.exe www.google.com go.pdf

As far as your question, I don't really believe that there is a perfect tool. I have been very satisfied with wkhtmltopdf however.

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Phil Klein Avatar answered Apr 26 '23 21:04

Phil Klein