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C++ cout hex values?





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How do you use std hex in C++?

std::hex : When basefield is set to hex, integer values inserted into the stream are expressed in hexadecimal base (i.e., radix 16). For input streams, extracted values are also expected to be expressed in hexadecimal base when this flag is set.

How do you print hexadecimal?

To print integer number in Hexadecimal format, "%x" or "%X" is used as format specifier in printf() statement. "%x" prints the value in Hexadecimal format with alphabets in lowercase (a-f). "%X" prints the value in Hexadecimal format with alphabets in uppercase (A-F).


#include <iostream>


std::cout << std::hex << a;

There are many other options to control the exact formatting of the output number, such as leading zeros and upper/lower case.

std::hex is defined in <ios> which is included by <iostream>. But to use things like std::setprecision/std::setw/std::setfill/etc you have to include <iomanip>.

To manipulate the stream to print in hexadecimal use the hex manipulator:

cout << hex << a;

By default the hexadecimal characters are output in lowercase. To change it to uppercase use the uppercase manipulator:

cout << hex << uppercase << a;

To later change the output back to lowercase, use the nouppercase manipulator:

cout << nouppercase << b;

If you want to print a single hex number, and then revert back to decimal you can use this:

std::cout << std::hex << num << std::dec << std::endl;

std::hex gets you the hex formatting, but it is a stateful option, meaning you need to save and restore state or it will impact all future output.

Naively switching back to std::dec is only good if that's where the flags were before, which may not be the case, particularly if you're writing a library.

#include <iostream>
#include <ios>


std::ios_base::fmtflags f( cout.flags() );  // save flags state
std::cout << std::hex << a;
cout.flags( f );  // restore flags state

This combines Greg Hewgill's answer and info from another question.

I understand this isn't what OP asked for, but I still think it is worth to point out how to do it with printf. I almost always prefer using it over std::cout (even with no previous C background).

printf("%.2X", a);

'2' defines the precision, 'X' or 'x' defines case.

There are different kinds of flags & masks you can use as well. Please refer http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/iostream/ios_base/setf/ for more information.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int num = 255;
    cout.setf(ios::hex, ios::basefield);
    cout << "Hex: " << num << endl;

    cout << "Original format: " << num << endl;

    return 0;