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C++ Build Systems - What to use? [closed]




People also ask

Is Meson better than CMake?

In comparison to CMake, Meson has better documentation, it doesn't support generating classic makefiles, it only supports out of source tree builds, and its domain specific language is arguably much better designed. So, from the start, Meson arguably is also more opinionated in its design, but in a useful way.

How do build systems work?

Roughly speadking, build in software development is the process of “translating” source code files into executable binary code files[1]; and a build system is a collection of software tools that is used to facilitate the build process[2].

Is Makefile a build system?

Make (or rather a Makefile) is a buildsystem - it drives the compiler and other build tools to build your code. CMake is a generator of buildsystems. It can produce Makefiles, it can produce Ninja build files, it can produce KDEvelop or Xcode projects, it can produce Visual Studio solutions.

+1 for, "Many, and they're awful."

But, the "richest" and "most-scalable" is probably CMake, which is a Makefile-generator (also generates native MSVC++ *.proj/*.sln). Weird syntax, but once you learn it, it can allow you to nicely generate builds for different platforms. If I "started-fresh", I'd probably use CMake. It should handle your list, although your "code-generation" could take on "a-life-of-its-own" beyond the build system depending on what you want to do. (See below.)

For simple projects, the QMake generator is ok (you don't need to use the Qt libraries to use QMake). But, you're not describing "simple" -- code generation and "extra-phases" means you probably want CMake or something with a rich API for your own extensions, like Scons (or Waf).

We use Scons at work. It produces "bullet-proof-builds", but it's really slow. No other system will be as bullet-proof as Scons. But, it's slow. It is written in Python and we've extended the interface for our "workspace-organization" (where we merely specify module dependencies), and that is part of the Scons design intent (this type of extension through Python). Convenient, but builds are slow. You get bullet-proof builds (any developer box can make the final release), but it's slow. And, it's slow. Don't forget that if you use Scons, though, that it's slow. And, it's slow.

It makes me ill to think that a decade after the Year 2000, we still don't have flying cars. We'll probably have to wait another hundred years or something to get them. And, we will then all probably be flying around in our flying cars that are still being constructed with crappy build systems.

Yes, they are all awful.


Scons works on "phases", and they are "somewhat-static". It can build code that is generated as part of the build (people are doing this in a couple of different ways), but this has been described as, "something very un-Scons-like".

If it's simple "preprocess some files and generate source files", then no biggie (you have lots of options, and this is why qmake was written -- for the moc preprocessing of *.hpp/*.cpp files).

However, if you are doing this in a "heavy-manner", you're going to need to script your own. For example, we had as-a-part-of-the-build scripts that queried the databases and generated C++ classes to interface between the "layers" (in traditional 3-tier application development). Similarly, we generated server/client source code through IDLs, and embedded version information to permit multiple clients/servers to run simultaneously with different versions (for the same "client" or "server"). Lots of generated source code. We could "pretend" that is "the-build-system", but really, it's a non-trivial-infrastructure for "configuration management", of which part of it is the "build-system". For example, this system had to, "take-down" and "start-up" servers as a part of this process. Similarly, the regression-tests were executed as a part of this process, with heavy "reporting" and "difference-testing" between versions -- all as a part of our "build-scripts".

You can use Gradle now: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/native_software.html

This seems to have matured quite a bit in the years since I originally posted this. The page saying that the project is "incubating" has disappeared, but I can't find any official announcement removing this status.

I found these, I have not personally used all of them yet:

Ninja, a small build system focused on speed. Google now uses Ninja to build Android instead of Make: link.

Shake, a powerful and fast build system.

Tup, a high performance build system. Algorithmic based design. Analysis of Tup.

All are now cross-platform and support Windows. I'm not yet sure about the rest of your requirements as, again, I have yet to test them myself. They are being used in commercial development, CIG picked Ninja up. I've used and love ease and speed of Ninja with a project generator. First two are akin to Scons, Ant, etc.

Scons is very friendly and flexible system, but you right, Lothar, it really slow.

But there is a way to increase the performance of programs written in Python. This use of the JIT. Of all known projects, PyPy is a very powerful, fast-growing and motivated JIT-backed - Python 2.7 implementation. PyPy compatibility with Python 2.7 is simply amazing. However, Scons declared as unsupported project on the PyPy compatibility wiki. Waf, on the other hand, modeled as python-based autotools sucessor, is fully supported by PyPy infrastructure. In my projects the speed of the assembly has increased 5-7 times in the transition to PyPy. You can see the performance reports from PyPy.

For modern and relatively fast build system Waf is good choice.

Google build system is a good alternative: http://bazel.io/

I used SCons and am impressed by this build system. SCons is extensible by python and python itself - it's great, because Python has all that you need, just code the logic, all the low-level functionality is already implemented in SCons and Python and is crossplatform. If have good programming skills then your build scripts will be looking perfect and easy.

Make, CMake and similar build systems seems as trash of macroses. Waf is SCons analog. I'm trying Waf but SCons will be more friendly and so I stayed with SCons.

By crowd opinion SCons is too slow, but in the middle of a project I didn't see any difference between make and SCons by build speed. Instead, SCons has well worked with parallel builds, while make has big troubles with it.

Also, SCons allows you to get - configure, build, deploy, generate configuration from templates, run tests and do any other task that can be done can coding with python and SCons - all in one. That is a very big advantage.

For a simple project CMake is also a good choice.

just to add my cents: premake


there is also a dedicated webpage on the wiki.