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Bypass confirmation prompt for pip uninstall

People also ask

How do I manually uninstall pip?

To use pip to uninstall a package locally in a virtual environment: Open a command or terminal window (depending on the operating system) cd into the project directory. pip uninstall <packagename>

How do I uninstall a package without pip?

You have two options: Use another package manager such as conda . This will only work if the package was originally installed with that package manager. Delete the package manually with File Explorer or the command-line.

How do I clear my pip cache?

If you want to force pip to clear out its download cache and use the specific version you can do by using --no-cache-dir command. If you are using an older version of pip than upgrade it with pip install -U pip. This will help you clear pip cache.

starting with pip version 7.1.2 you can run pip uninstall -y <python package(s)>

pip uninstall -y package1 package2 package3

or from file

pip uninstall -y -r requirements.txt

Pip does NOT include a --yes option (as of pip version 1.3.1).

WORKAROUND: pipe yes to it!

$ sudo ls  # enter pw so not prompted again
$ /usr/bin/yes | sudo pip uninstall pymongo

If you want to uninstall every package from requirements.txt,

pip uninstall -y -r requirements.txt

Alternatively, would it be better to force pip to install all dependencies to the virtualenv rather than relying on the system python modules to meet those dependencies,

Yes. Don't mess too much with the inbuilt system installed packages. Many of the system packages, particularly in OS X (even the debian and the derived varieties) depend too much on them.

pip --upgrade install, but forcing even equally old versions to be installed to override any system modules.

It should not be a big deal if there are a few more packages installed within the venv that are already there in the system package, particularly if they are of different version. Thats the whole point of virtualenv.

I tried activating my virtualenv and then pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt and that does seem to install the dependencies, even those existing in my system path, but I can't be sure if that's because my system modules were old. And man pip doesn't seem to guarantee this behavior (i.e. installing the same version of a package that already exists in the system site-packages).

No, it doesn't install the packages already there in the main installation unless you have used the --no-site-packages flag to create it, or the required and present versions are different..

Lakshman Prasad was right, pip --upgrade and/or virtualenv --no-site-packages is the way to go. Uninstalling the system-wide python modules is bad.

The --upgrade option to pip does install required modules in the virtual env, even if they already exist in the system environment, and even if the required version or latest available version is the same as the system version.

pip --upgrade install

And, using the --no-site-packages option when creating the virtual environment ensures that missing dependencies can't possibly be masked by the presence of missing modules in the system path. This helps expose problems during migration of a module from one package to another, e.g. pinax.apps.groups -> django-groups, especially when the problem is with load templatetags statements in django which search all available modules for templatetags directories and the tag definitions within.

on www.saturncloud.io, Jupiter notebooks one can use like this:

!yes | pip uninstall tensorflow
!yes | pip uninstall gast
!yes | pip uninstall tensorflow-probability