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Bundler: How to check if Gems are up to date


Using Bundler, is there a way to check if there are newer gems available than the versions specified in the Gemfile? In other words, is there a way to check if my gems are up to date without actually updating?

like image 724
user884507 Avatar asked Aug 08 '11 17:08


People also ask

How do I check my gem version?

To check if a specific version is installed, just add --version , e.g.: gem list -i compass --version 0.12.

How do I check my bundle version?

To view the APKs that Google Play generates from your app bundle: Open the App bundle explorer page (Release > App bundle explorer). On the Devices tab, select the version filter near the top right of the page. On the “Choose a version” table, select the right arrow on the version that you want to view.

1 Answers

List installed gems with newer versions available

$ bundle outdated [GEM] [--local] [--pre] [--source] 


--local: Do not attempt to fetch gems remotely and use the gem cache instead

--pre: Check for newer pre-release gems

--source: Check against a specific source

Source: http://bundler.io/v1.3/bundle_outdated.html

like image 101
troynt Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09
