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Rails Performance Tuning for Production?


I'm getting close to deploying an application built on Rails 3.1.x and started running some performance tests. After fiddling with ab for a bit, I'm seeing some very discouraging results yielding around 15 requests / second on Heroku.

When testing locally I see similar results that really demonstrates that it's an app issue more than anything.

I'm running Unicorn, which is about 40% faster than Thin on Celadon Cedar. Further, I'm using the PGSQL shared db.

I'm hopeful that someone could share a laundry list or essentially a launch checklist that I should move through when prepping an app for production and moving into the need for speed tuning. So far I've not found a real concise list of actionable items to move through that seems to make sense given my situation.

Or if you have solid practical experience moving through issues like this, any input would be appreciated!

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ylluminate Avatar asked Nov 05 '11 19:11


People also ask

How do you avoid N 1 queries Activerecord?

You can avoid most n+1 queries in rails by simply eager loading associations. Eager loading allows you to load all of your associations (parent and children) once instead of n+1 times (which often happens with lazy loading, rails' default). As seen above, . includes allows nested association eager loading!

2 Answers

I've spent some time tuning my app on heroku, and have spent some time working on performance tuning of Rails apps in a variety of settings.

When I run ab -n 300 -c 75 ...myapp.com.... # which is a backup to my main site, and is on the free cedar plan with unicorn

Requests per second:    132.11 [#/sec] (mean) Time per request:       567.707 [ms] (mean) Time per request:       7.569 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests) 

(this is against a home page that doesn't do anything intense, so I'm providing it only as a "how fast could heroku be on the free plan with a very simple page?" example, not a "your apps should be this fast")

Here is my Rails Performance Tuning 101 checklist:

  1. Measure the browser/page load time first (the browser makes lots of requests, ab is only telling you about one of them, and usually your main page request is not the issue), get page load baseline numbers from tools like www.webpagetest.org or www.gtmetrix.com for the public facing pages, or browser tools Yslow, google page speed, or dynatrace for the private pages. If you look at the page load waterfall diagram (the 'Net' panel in chrome/firefox), it usually shows that your html loads quickly (under a sec), but then everything else takes 1-3 sec to load. Follow the Yslow/page speed recommendations on how to improve (make sure you are using the Rails 3.1 assets pipeline stuff to its full extent)

  2. Read through your log files/new relic to find the sweet spot of the 'slowest/most frequently hit' request, and profile what happens for that request (is it slow ruby/lots of mem usage, or lots of queries?) You need to have a reliable way to detect and monitor performance issues, and not just go changing things at random. Once you have identified some target areas, create test scripts to help with before/after testing and prove that your change helps, and detect if a regression creeps in.

  3. Lack of Indexes on db columns is one of the most common issues, and easiest to address. Run explain on the target queries, or look through your slow query log, to see what the query planner is doing. Add indexes for foreign keys, search columns, or primary data (covering index) as appropriate. Retest with actual production data to prove that it makes a difference. (you can run explain in heroku, as well as run queries for missing or unused indexes)

  4. Most poor performing Rails apps suffer from N+1 queries because its so easy to write order.owner.address.city and not think about what happens when that's in a loop. N+1 queries aren't necessarily slow queries, so they don't show up in the slow query log, its just that there are lots of them, and its more efficient to do it all at once. Use :include or .includes() for eager loading of that data, or look at doing your query another way.

  5. Analyze the flow of your app and look for caching opportunities. If the user bounces back and forth between the index page and a details page, and back again, perhaps an ajax view of the details, without leaving the index page would give them the data they need in a faster way. I wrote some more thoughts about that on my blog

I gave a presentation on these techniques and other ideas in Chicago at this year's WindyCityRails conference. You can see the video here on my www.RailsPerformance.com blog What I love about heroku is that you have to be scalable from the start. When you look at the discussions on the mailing list, you see that most people are aware of the performance best practices, and how to get the most out of the server. I also like how you if you want to stay cheap, you learn how the performance tuning tricks that will get you the most bang.

Good luck!

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J_McCaffrey Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09


There are some pretty low-hanging fruit that almost always yield pretty worthy performance gains:

  1. Reduce the number of DB queries by using more efficient ActiveRecord statements. Be sure to use include and join where appropriate, and make sure you're using empty? over any? where possible to avoid SELECTs when you just need a COUNT.
  2. Especially on heavier pages, cache views, even if only for a few minutes. You can often break larger or dynamic pieces into partials that can be cached without any negative effects, too.
  3. Move any over-the-network activity to background jobs. This includes sending emails, fetching pages from anther website, and making API calls (even [especially?] to Heroku). There are a number of really good background job processing libraries in Ruby, DelayedJob is really popular because it works with any ActiveRecord database, but my favorite is Resque.

You need to be careful not to spend too much time optimizing Ruby routines. Unless you're doing something with a huge amount of data or processing (e.g. image resizing) you probably won't see very significant gains from optimizing loops or minimizing memory usage. And if you find certain pages are problematic, dig into your logs and see what is happening during those requests.

And if you're not already, autoscaling applications like HireFireApp are great for letting you handle loads of requests by scaling horizontally without the cost of running extraneous dynos during slow periods.

PS: There is a new Heroku Add-On called Blitz that lets you test a concurrent load of up to 5,000 users.

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coreyward Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
