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bundle install returns "Could not locate Gemfile"

People also ask

Where can I find my Gemfile?

The Gemfile is wherever you want it to be - usually in the main directory of your project and the name of the file is Gemfile . It's convenient to have one because it allows you to use Bundler to manage which gems and which versions of each your project needs to run.

Can't locate Gemfile or bundle directory Jekyll serve?

This error message typically means that your Jekyll project doesn't have a Gemfile. This document will help you to create a Gemfile for your project so that you can use Forestry to build your project and unlock our powerful Preview and Publish functionality.

What is Gemfile?

A Gemfile is a file that is created to describe the gem dependencies required to run a Ruby program. A Gemfile should always be placed in the root of the project directory.

You just need to change directories to your app, THEN run bundle install :)

You may also indicate the path to the gemfile in the same command e.g.

BUNDLE_GEMFILE="MyProject/Gemfile.ios" bundle install

I had this problem as well on an OSX machine. I discovered that rails was not installed... which surprised me as I thought OSX always came with Rails. To install rails

  • sudo gem install rails
  • to install jekyll I also needed sudo
  • sudo gem install jekyll bundler
  • cd ~/Sites
  • jekyll new <foldername>
  • cd <foldername> OR cd !$ (that is magic ;)
  • bundle install
  • bundle exec jekyll serve
  • Then in your browser just go to and it really should be running

You must be in the same directory of Gemfile

When I had similar problem gem update --system helped me. Run this before bundle install

I had this problem on Ubuntu 18.04. I updated the gem

sudo gem install rails
sudo gem install jekyll
sudo gem install jekyll bundler
cd ~/desiredFolder
jekyll new <foldername>
cd <foldername> OR 
bundle init
bundle install
bundle add jekyll
bundle exec jekyll serve

All worked and goto your browser just go to and it really should be running

  1. Make sure that the file name is Capitalized Gemfile instead of gemfile.
  2. Make sure you're in the same directory as the Gemfile.