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Build starts on Unit Test Execution

I am using VS2013 Ultimate with the Update 2 RC.

My problem is the following: Whenever I am starting an Unit Test all dependent projects for the Unit Test are built. Even if the dependencies did not change. This costs a lot of time during development and I do not know how to deactivate it.

I am using Visual Studio Unit Tests. If found a suggestion to set Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> Build and Run -> On Run, .. -> to Never Build. However this does not work for me.

I also found a similar problem to mine and Microsoft stated it as fixed. For me not the whole solutions gets rebuilt but every dependency. So it is different. However here is the link:


Maybe I am missing out an option. Maybe it has to be rebuilt because of something I am missing out. Another Option would be that VS2013 is still buggy. But then I think somebody else would have encountered the same problem.

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Silvio Marcovic Avatar asked Nov 10 '22 07:11

Silvio Marcovic

1 Answers

As per the comment -- upgrading to the final Update 2 seems to solve the issue.

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Ilya Kozhevnikov Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Ilya Kozhevnikov