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Build hangs while building Wix Installer

I have a build setup that at the end builds a Wix project to create an MSI for my application. When I try to run the build it gets to the link step and hangs for about an hour before it gets cancelled. There's no error information or any information that would explains what might be going on. The logs where it hangs are:

  C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.11\bin\Light.exe -out D:\a\1\s\myapplication.msi -pdbout D:\a\1\s\myapplication.wixpdb -cultures:null -ext "C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.11\bin\\WixUtilExtension.dll" -ext "C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.11\bin\\WixUIExtension.dll" -ext "C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.11\bin\\WixNetFxExtension.dll" -sice:ICE30 -sice:ICE80 -contentsfile obj\Release\Installer.wixproj.BindContentsFileListnull.txt -outputsfile obj\Release\Installer.wixproj.BindOutputsFileListnull.txt -builtoutputsfile obj\Release\Installer.wixproj.BindBuiltOutputsFileListnull.txt -wixprojectfile D:\a\1\s\Installer.wixproj obj\Release\pthC2B68370CAB72F5041F3FBDF89753BBA\ActionsAndSequences.wixobj obj\Release\pthC2B68370CAB72F5041F3FBDF89753BBA\LangComponents.wixobj obj\Release\pthC2B68370CAB72F5041F3FBDF89753BBA\Upgrades.wixobj obj\Release\pthF392250A412040E3E7164BEF9B45533D\ClientUIFlow.wixobj obj\Release\pthF392250A412040E3E7164BEF9B45533D\OldClientWarningDlg.wixobj obj\Release\pthF392250A412040E3E7164BEF9B45533D\SetServicesUrlDlg.wixobj obj\Release\pthC2B68370CAB72F5041F3FBDF89753BBA\Components.wixobj obj\Release\Product.wixobj
  Windows Installer XML Toolset Linker version
  Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.

The configuration I'm using is:

- task: MSBuild@1
      displayName: 'Building Installer'
        solution: '/path/to/solution'
        platform: 'x86'
        configuration: 'Release'
        msbuildArguments: >

I've tried changing a few of the options like the tagret and configuration but with no luck. If I run essentially the same command locally it takes about 20 seconds to build the Wix project. What is going on? Is there any way of finding out what is causing this step to hang?


Eric's answer below solved this issue. For anyone that may come across this my final config that worked was as follows:

- task: MSBuild@1
      displayName: 'Building Installer'
        solution: '/path/to/solution'
        platform: 'x86'
        configuration: 'Release'
        msbuildArguments: >
like image 809
amura.cxg Avatar asked Feb 06 '20 20:02


People also ask

Is WiX Installer free?

Download. You can download the WiX toolset for free.

How do I create a WiX Windows Installer?

Go to Tools -> WiX Setup Editor. On the left under Root Directory choose InstallFolder. Under Projects to install, choose the project you want to install. In the red area to the right, you'll see a list of files.

How do I install WiX in Visual Studio?

Adding a WiX setup project In Visual Studio, open your solution, and add a WiX project to it: go to the Visual Studio main menu and click File -> Add -> New Project to open the Add New Project dialog. Choose the Setup Project item in the Windows Installer XML node, specify the project name and click OK.

1 Answers

Try and add this additional MSBuild argument. /p:RunWixToolsOutOfProc=true.

Background some here wixtoolset github and looks like the underlining issue is fixed, just not in the mainline yet.

like image 194
Eric Smith Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 07:10

Eric Smith