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brew install gcc too time consuming




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How long does brew install gcc take?

gcc takes a long time to build, over 45 mins, unless you install command line tools and grab a precompiled, bottled version. Terminating brew with Ctrl-C is safe, and brew will not symlink to /usr/local/* until it has finished installing, so you don't have to worry about the extra stuff.

How long does it take for BREW to update?

In less than two weeks the official estimate was raised to 20 minutes.

You do need gcc installed to get gfortran, and you do need a fortran compiler for scipy. Homebrew will install a "bottled" (i.e., precompiled) version of the gcc package, which is very fast, if you have the Xcode Command Line Tools installed. These are separate from XCode proper. You can install them with xcode-select --install.

There is no particular need to install a particular version of gcc (and I think those may not be bottled, so they will be equally slow).

In general, interrupting Homebrew with Ctrl+C is safe and Homebrew will automatically recover.

You may be interested in the homebrew-python tap.

Try this to force the bottle (pre-compiled) installation

brew install gcc --force-bottle