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Boxing and unboxing with generics

The .NET 1.0 way of creating collection of integers (for example) was:

ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.Add(i);          /* boxing   */ int j = (int)list[0]; /* unboxing */ 

The penalty of using this is the lack of type safety and performance due to boxing and unboxing.

The .NET 2.0 way is to use generics:

List<int> list = new List<int>(); list.Add(i); int j = list[0]; 

The price of boxing (to my understanding) is the need to create an object on the heap, copy the stack allocated integer to the new object and vice-versa for unboxing.

How does the use of generics overcome this? Does the stack-allocated integer stays on the stack and being pointed to from the heap (I guess this is not the case because of what will happen when it will get out of scope)? It seems like there is still a need of copying it somewhere else out of the stack.

What is really going on?

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Itay Karo Avatar asked Dec 09 '10 20:12

Itay Karo

People also ask

What is boxing and unboxing with example?

Boxing is the process of converting a value type to the type object or to any interface type implemented by this value type. When the common language runtime (CLR) boxes a value type, it wraps the value inside a System. Object instance and stores it on the managed heap. Unboxing extracts the value type from the object.

Is boxing and unboxing safe in C#?

In general you should avoid Boxing unless you need it, for example to pass an int/bool/whatever as an object to an argument. There are some basic structures in .

What is the difference between unboxing and boxing?

In boxing, the value stored on the stack is copied to the object stored on heap memory, whereas unboxing is the opposite. In Unboxing, the object's value stored on the heap memory is copied to the value type stored on stack.

What does boxing and unboxing have to do with Arraylists?

Unboxing extracts the value type from the object. Boxing is implicit; unboxing is explicit. I knew We can store any objects in an arraylist, because system. object is a base for all all types.

2 Answers

When it comes to collections, generics make it possible to avoid boxing/unboxing by utilizing actual T[] arrays internally. List<T> for example uses a T[] array to store its contents.

The array, of course, is a reference type and is therefore (in the current version of the CLR, yada yada) stored on the heap. But since it's a T[] and not an object[], the array's elements can be stored "directly": that is, they're still on the heap, but they're on the heap in the array instead of being boxed and having the array contain references to the boxes.

So for a List<int>, for example, what you'd have in the array would "look" like this:

 [ 1 2 3 ] 

Compare this to an ArrayList, which uses an object[] and would therefore "look" something like this:

 [ *a *b *c ] 

...where *a, etc. are references to objects (boxed integers):

 *a -> 1 *b -> 2 *c -> 3 

Excuse those crude illustrations; hopefully you know what I mean.

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Dan Tao Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Dan Tao

Your confusion is a result of misunderstanding what the relationship is between the stack, the heap, and variables. Here's the correct way to think about it.

  • A variable is a storage location that has a type.
  • The lifetime of a variable can either be short or long. By "short" we mean "until the current function returns or throws" and by "long" we mean "possibly longer than that".
  • If the type of a variable is a reference type then the contents of the variable is a reference to a long-lived storage location. If the type of a variable is a value type then the contents of the variable is a value.

As an implementation detail, a storage location which is guaranteed to be short-lived can be allocated on the stack. A storage location which might be long-lived is allocated on the heap. Notice that this says nothing about "value types are always allocated on the stack." Value types are not always allocated on the stack:

int[] x = new int[10]; x[1] = 123; 

x[1] is a storage location. It is long-lived; it might live longer than this method. Therefore it must be on the heap. The fact that it contains an int is irrelevant.

You correctly say why a boxed int is expensive:

The price of boxing is the need to create an object on the heap, copy the stack allocated integer to the new object and vice-versa for unboxing.

Where you go wrong is to say "the stack allocated integer". It doesn't matter where the integer was allocated. What matters was that its storage contained the integer, instead of containing a reference to a heap location. The price is the need to create the object and do the copy; that's the only cost that is relevant.

So why isn't a generic variable costly? If you have a variable of type T, and T is constructed to be int, then you have a variable of type int, period. A variable of type int is a storage location, and it contains an int. Whether that storage location is on the stack or the heap is completely irrelevant. What is relevant is that the storage location contains an int, instead of containing a reference to something on the heap. Since the storage location contains an int, you do not have to take on the costs of boxing and unboxing: allocating new storage on the heap and copying the int to the new storage.

Is that now clear?

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Eric Lippert Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Eric Lippert