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Which unit testing framework? [closed]

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Which framework is used for unit testing?

For performing unit tests on Java-based applications, developers often use two frameworks: JUnit and NUnit. Developed by Erick Gamma and Kent Beck, JUnit is the preferred choice for automating unit tests for Java-based applications. It was developed with the sole intention of writing and running repeatable tests.

Is Jest the best testing framework?

In the world of Selenium JavaScript testing, Jest is becoming the most preferred automation framework. It provides a reliable and simple way to write tests, and developers love it because of its flexibility.

Which is better NUnit or xUnit?

Both frameworks are awesome, and they both support parallel test running (in a different way though). NUnit has been around since 2002, it's widely used, well documented and has a large community, whereas xUnit.net is more modern, more TDD adherent, more extensible, and also trending in . NET Core development.

Which framework is used to test the unit integration end to end testing?

The Testing Pyramid is a functional test development approach that divides tests into three layers: unit, integration, and end-to-end.

Personally, I prefer the Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework, for two main reasons:

  • It integrates seamlessly with the IDE;
  • It's one less program to deploy in a dev environment.

Having said that, pretty much any unit testing framework will do the trick, the important thing is to have tests!

I would go with NUnit.

Some links: NUnit QuickStart, NuGet Package

Don't get stuck on choosing a framework. Just pick one and start testing - they're not all that different. When you have written tests for a while, you will know what to look for, to suit your needs.

Personally, I have found xUnit, Testdriven.Net and Moq to be a very flexible set of test tools.

Also see this post: NUnit vs. MbUnit vs. MSTest vs. xUnit.net

I've decided to stick with NUnit because ReSharper provides native IDE support (which saves a lot of time). It's also supported by TeamCity in running and reporting automated tests.

I use NUnit for the testing framework and ReSharper for integrating it into VS (and everything else ReSharper does).

Use MbUnit (with Gallio), NUnit, MsTest or xUnit. You can combine several unit tests. I use NUnit for TDD