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How can I pass a runtime parameter as part of the dependency resolution?

I need to be able to pass a connection string into some of my service implementations. I am doing this in the constructor. The connection string is configurable by user will be added the ClaimsPrincipal as a Claim.

All fine so far.

Unfortunately, I also want to be able to use the dependency injection features in ASP.NET Core to the fullest and resolve the service implementation though DI.

I have a POC implmentation:

public interface IRootService {     INestedService NestedService { get; set; }      void DoSomething(); }  public class RootService : IRootService {     public INestedService NestedService { get; set; }      public RootService(INestedService nestedService)     {         NestedService = nestedService;     }      public void DoSomething()     {         // implement     } }   public interface INestedService {     string ConnectionString { get; set; }      void DoSomethingElse(); }  public class NestedService : INestedService {     public string ConnectionString { get; set; }      public NestedService(string connectionString)     {         ConnectionString = connectionString;     }      public void DoSomethingElse()     {         // implement     } } 

These services have been registered during startup and INestedService has been added the constructor of a controller.

public HomeController(INestedService nestedService) {     NestedService = nestedService; } 

As expected, I get the error Unable to resolve service for type 'System.String' while attempting to activate 'Test.Dependency.Services.NestedService'.

What are my options here?

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Ant Swift Avatar asked Jun 10 '16 09:06

Ant Swift

2 Answers

To pass a runtime parameter not known at the start of the application, you have to use the factory pattern. You have two options here:

  1. factory class (similar to how IHttpClientFactory is implemented)

     public class RootService : IRootService  {      public RootService(INestedService nested, IOtherService other)      {          // ...      }  }   public class RootServiceFactory : IRootServiceFactory   {      // in case you need other dependencies, that can be resolved by DI      private readonly IServiceProvider services;       public RootServiceFactory(IServiceProvider services)      {          this.services = services;      }       public IRootService CreateInstance(string connectionString)       {          // instantiate service that needs runtime parameter          var nestedService = new NestedService(connectionString);           // note that in this example, RootService also has a dependency on          // IOtherService - ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance will automagically          // resolve that dependency, and any others not explicitly provided, from          // the specified IServiceProvider          return ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<RootService>(services,              new object[] { nestedService, });      }  } 

    and inject IRootServiceFactory instead of your IRootService

     IRootService rootService = rootServiceFactory.CreateInstance(connectionString); 
  2. factory method

     services.AddTransient<Func<string,INestedService>>((provider) =>   {      return new Func<string,INestedService>(           (connectionString) => new NestedService(connectionString)      );  }); 

    and inject the factory method into your service instead of INestedService

     public class RootService : IRootService  {      public INestedService NestedService { get; set; }       public RootService(Func<string,INestedService> nestedServiceFactory)      {          NestedService = nestedServiceFactory("ConnectionStringHere");      }       public void DoSomething()      {          // implement      }  } 

    or resolve it per call

     public class RootService : IRootService  {      public Func<string,INestedService> NestedServiceFactory { get; set; }       public RootService(Func<string,INestedService> nestedServiceFactory)      {          NestedServiceFactory = nestedServiceFactory;      }       public void DoSomething(string connectionString)      {          var nestedService = nestedServiceFactory(connectionString);           // implement      }  } 
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Tseng Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 16:10


Simple configuration

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {     // Choose Scope, Singleton or Transient method     services.AddSingleton<IRootService, RootService>();     services.AddSingleton<INestedService, NestedService>(serviceProvider=>     {          return new NestedService("someConnectionString");     }); } 

With appSettings.json

If you decide to hide your connection string inside appSettings.json, e.g:

"Data": {   "ConnectionString": "someConnectionString" } 

Then provided that you've loaded your appSettings.json in the ConfigurationBuilder (usually located in the constructor of the Startup class), then your ConfigureServices would look like this:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {     // Choose Scope, Singleton or Transient method     services.AddSingleton<IRootService, RootService>();     services.AddSingleton<INestedService, NestedService>(serviceProvider=>     {          var connectionString = Configuration["Data:ConnectionString"];          return new NestedService(connectionString);     }); } 

With extension methods

namespace Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection {     public static class RootServiceExtensions //you can pick a better name     {         //again pick a better name         public static IServiceCollection AddRootServices(this IServiceCollection services, string connectionString)          {             // Choose Scope, Singleton or Transient method             services.AddSingleton<IRootService, RootService>();             services.AddSingleton<INestedService, NestedService>(_ =>                new NestedService(connectionString));         }     } } 

Then your ConfigureServices method would look like this

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {     var connectionString = Configuration["Data:ConnectionString"];     services.AddRootServices(connectionString); } 

With options builder

Should you need more parameters, you can go a step further and create an options class which you pass to RootService's constructor. If it becomes complex, you can use the Builder pattern.

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Ivan Prodanov Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 16:10

Ivan Prodanov