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Black bars appear in app when targeting iOS7.1 or 7.0 in Xcode6

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new project using Xcode6 (single view template, iPhone only, Objective-C)
  2. Navigate to project settings and change the deployment target from 8.0 to 7.1
  3. Run the application on a iPhone5/S with 7.1 installed or in the iPhone5/s 7.1 simulator (You may have to download the iOS7.1 simulators)
  4. The app appears with black bars on the top and the bottom.

enter image description here

If you run the application on the iPhone5/S 8.0 simulator, the screen will appear as expected, all white.

Why is this happening? Is there a fix or workaround?

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Kris Gellci Avatar asked Sep 12 '14 22:09

Kris Gellci

2 Answers

I was able to resolve the issue manually, seems like it is a bug with Xcode for now and I will file a radar report.

To resolve the issue, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to project settings
  2. Under "App Icons and Launch Images" click on "Use Asset Catalog"
  3. Select "Migrate" on the popup that appears.

This should fix the issue.

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Kris Gellci Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

Kris Gellci

I encountered the same problem some days ago and I founded out that the problem in my case was the missing LaunchScreen.xib in General setting under App icons and launch images:

enter image description here

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Massimo Polimeni Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09

Massimo Polimeni