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bit_count function in PostgreSQL

We are in the process of migrating a MySQL 5.7 database to PostgreSQL 9.6.

A real issue is the lack of bit_count function in PostgreSQL. This function is also not available in the upcoming version 10.

Current MySQL code snippet (simplified):

-- mysql specific, tested with 5.7.19
select code,phash,bit_count(phash ^ -9187530158960050433) as hd 
from documents 
where phash is not null and bit_count(phash ^ -9187530158960050433) < 7
order by hd;

We tried a naive solution (converting the BIGINT to a String and counting the "1"'s), but it performs terribly compared to MySQL.

Java uses a trick from Hacker's Delight, but AFAIK this is not possible with PostgreSQL, because the >>> operator is (also) not available.

Question: Is a there solution/workaround available comparable with MySQL performance wise?


Best solution i could find is based on this SO answer:

First create bit_count function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bit_count(value bigint) 
RETURNS numeric 
AS $$ SELECT SUM((value >> bit) & 1) FROM generate_series(0, 63) bit $$

Now we can use almost the same SQL as with MySQL:

-- postgresql specific, tested with 9.6.5
select code,phash,bit_count(phash # -9187530158960050433) as hd 
from documents 
where phash is not null and bit_count(phash # -9187530158960050433) < 7
order by hd;


Based on @a_horse_with_no_name comment, i tried this function:

-- fastest implementation so far. 10 - 11 x faster than the naive solution (see UPDATE 1)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bit_count(value bigint) 
RETURNS integer 
AS $$ SELECT length(replace(value::bit(64)::text,'0','')); $$

However, this is still 5 - 6 times slower than MySQL (tested wit exact the same data set of 200k phash values on the same hardware).

like image 278
rmuller Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 16:11


1 Answers

Question: Is a there solution/workaround available comparable with MySQL performance wise?

To get a comparable speed, a compiled C function should be used. If you can compile C code, see for instance https://github.com/dverite/postgresql-functions/tree/master/hamming_weight

The code itself is very simple.

The result seems 10 times faster than the bit_count function based on counting the 0 characters in the bit(64) string as text.


plpgsql function:

test=> select sum(bit_count(x)) from generate_series(1,1000000) x;
(1 row)

Time: 2442,340 ms

C function:

test=> select sum(hamming_weight(x::int8)) from generate_series(1,1000000) x;
(1 row)

Time: 239,749 ms
like image 189
Daniel Vérité Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11

Daniel Vérité