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How to write a query for aggregating forex candle data?




I have a table of financial data with the following schema:

         Table "public.candles"
   Column   |      Type      | Modifiers 
 posix_time | bigint         | not null
 low        | numeric(8,2)   | not null
 high       | numeric(8,2)   | not null
 open       | numeric(8,2)   | not null
 close      | numeric(8,2)   | not null
 volume     | numeric(23,16) | not null
    "candles_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (posix_time)

Each candle spans a one-minute interval. I would like to aggregate the data into candles spanning intervals of 5 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, etc.

I can aggregate posix_time, high, low, and volume over five minute intervals with

SELECT posix_time/(60*5)*(60*5) AS new_posix_time,
       max(high)                AS new_high,
       min(low)                 AS new_low,
       sum(volume)              AS new_volume
FROM candles
GROUP BY new_posix_time

and calculate the the new open and close values with the appropriate variation of

SELECT posix_time/(60*5)*(60*5) AS new_posix_time,
       open                     AS new_open
             ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY posix_time/(60*5)*(60*5)
                                    ORDER BY posix_time ASC) AS r
      FROM candles
     ) AS o
WHERE o.r = 1

as suggested in this question, but I can't figure out how to combine them into one query.

Do I need to use joins? Subqueries? Totally restructure the query?

like image 295
Bryan Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 13:11


1 Answers

You can use generate_series() to get the timeframe you are looking for. Then you can use left join and aggregation. Something like this:

select t.ts,
       min(low) as low, max(high) as high, sum(volume) as volume
from generate_series('2016-01-01'::timestamp, '2016-01-02'::timestamp, interval '5 minute'
                    ) t(ts) left join
     candles c
     on '1970-01-01' + c.posix_time * interval '1 second' between t.ts and t.ts + interval '5 minute'
group by t.ts;


Getting the open and close time requires one more level of processing:

select ts, min(low) as low, max(high) as high, sum(volume) as volume,
       min(open) as open, min(close) as close
from (select t.*, c.*,
             first_value(open) over (partition by t.ts order by c.posix_time asc) as open,
             first_value(open) over (partition by t.ts order by c.posix_time desc) as close
      from generate_series('2016-01-01'::timestamp, '2016-01-02'::timestamp, interval '5 minute'
                          ) t(ts) left join
           candles c
           on '1970-01-01' + c.posix_time * interval '1 second' between t.ts and t.ts + interval '5 minute'
     ) t
group by ts;
like image 107
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Gordon Linoff