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How do I write a Rails finder method that will return the greatest date grouped by record?

I'm using Rails 5 with PostGres 9.5. I have a table that tracks prices ...

                                         Table "public.crypto_prices"
       Column       |            Type             |                         Modifiers
 id                 | integer                     | not null default nextval('crypto_prices_id_seq'::regclass)
 crypto_currency_id | integer                     |
 market_cap_usd     | bigint                      |
 total_supply       | bigint                      |
 last_updated       | timestamp without time zone |
 created_at         | timestamp without time zone | not null
 updated_at         | timestamp without time zone | not null

I would like to get the latest price per currency (where last_updated is greatest) for a select currencies. I can find all the prices related to certain currencies like so

current_prices = CryptoPrice.where(crypto_currency_id: CryptoIndexCurrency.all.pluck(:crypto_currency_id).uniq)

Then I can sort them by currency into arrays, looping through each until I find the one with the greatest last_updated value, but how can I write a finder that will return exactly one row per currency with the greatest last_updated date?

Edit: Tried Owl Max's suggestion like so

ids = CryptoIndexCurrency.all.pluck(:crypto_currency_id).uniq
crypto_price_ids = CryptoPrice.where(crypto_currency_id: ids).group(:crypto_currency_id).maximum(:last_updated).keys
puts "price ids: #{crypto_price_ids.length}"
@crypto_prices = CryptoPrice.where(crypto_currency_id: crypto_price_ids)
puts "ids: #{@crypto_prices.size}"

Although the first "puts" only reveals a size of "12" the second puts reveals over 38,000 results. It should only be returning 12 results, one for each currency.

like image 773
Dave Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 17:11


1 Answers

We can write a finder that will return exactly one row per currency with the greatest last_updated date in such a way like

current_prices = CryptoPrice.where(crypto_currency_id: CryptoIndexCurrency.all.pluck(:crypto_currency_id).uniq).select("*, id as crypto_price_id, MAX(last_updated) as last_updated").group(:crypto_currency_id)

I hope that this will took you closer to your goal. Thank you.

like image 137
Ahmad Ali Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Ahmad Ali