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Best way to check if list contains at least one of an enum

I have an enum :

public enum PermissionsEnum {

And then I have a list of Strings. I want to check if my list has at least one of the enums. I currently check it by an iterative approach. I also know there is a way to do it by using || checking list.contains(enum.ABC..) || list.contains(enum.XYZ) || ....

Is there a better way to do it?

like image 682
S.Dan Avatar asked Apr 10 '18 06:04


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2 Answers

A List<String> never contains a PermissionsEnum value.

The condition list.contains(enum.ABC) || list.contains(enum.XYZ) is not going to be working.

Instead, you could map PermissionsEnum.values() to a Stream<String> and call Stream#anyMatch on it:

boolean result = Arrays.stream(PermissionsEnum.values())

*I assumed that constructor parameter is accessible by the getValue method.

In case the list is large (a few iterations over it might take a lot of time) we could optimise the previous snippet a bit and iterate over the list once:

Set<String> values = Arrays.stream(PermissionsEnum.values())

boolean result = list.stream().anyMatch(values::contains);
like image 151
Andrew Tobilko Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 07:10

Andrew Tobilko

You can do it easily in an iterative way with a for loop.

boolean contains = false;
for (PermissionsEnum permission : PermissionsEnum.values()) {
    if (list.contains(permission.getName())) {
        contains = true;

Or you can use Collections.disjoint() like this:

Set<String> permissionsNames = Stream.of(PermissionsEnum.values())

boolean contains = !Collections.disjoint(list, permissionsNames);

PS: getName() must retrieve the constructor value.

like image 44
Aleksandr Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 06:10
