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Best practices for storing postal addresses in a database (RDBMS)?

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The purpose of every database is to store information, texts, images, even media files. All dynamic modern websites rely on one or more databases for storing articles and other published content, information about the users, contact information, connections to other websites, ads, etc.

For more international use, one schema to consider is the one used by Drupal Address Field. It's based on the xNAL standard, and seems to cover most international cases. A bit of digging into that module will reveal some nice pearls for interpreting and validating addresses internationally. It also has a nice set of administrative areas ( province, state, oblast, etc ) with ISO codes.

Here's the gist of the schema, copied from the module page:

country => Country (always required, 2 character ISO code)
name_line => Full name (default name entry)
first_name => First name
last_name => Last name
organisation_name => Company
administrative_area => State / Province / Region (ISO code when available)
sub_administrative_area => County / District (unused)
locality => City / Town
dependent_locality => Dependent locality (unused)
postal_code => Postal code / ZIP Code
thoroughfare => Street address
premise => Apartment, Suite, Box number, etc.
sub_premise => Sub premise (unused)

A lessons I've learned:

  • Don't store anything numerically.
  • Store country and administrative area as ISO codes where possible.
  • When you don't know, be lax about requiring fields. Some country may not use fields you take for granted, even basic things like locality & thoroughfare.

As an 'international' user, there is nothing more frustrating than dealing with a website that is oriented around only US-format addresses. It's a little rude at first, but becomes a serious problem when the validation is also over-zealous.

If you are concerned with going global, the only advice I have is to keep things free-form. Different countries have different conventions - in some, the house number comes before the street name, in some it comes after. Some have states, some regions, some counties, some combinations of those. Here in the UK, the zipcode is not a zipcode, it's a postcode containing both letters and numbers.

I'd advise simply ~10 lines of variable-length strings, together with a separate field for a postcode (and be careful how you describe that to cope with national sensibilities). Let the user/customer decide how to write their addresses.

If you need comprehensive information about how other countries use postal addresses, here's a very good reference link (Columbia University):

Frank's Compulsive Guide to Postal Addresses
Effective Addressing for International Mail

You should definitely consider storing house number as a character field rather than a number, because of special cases such as "half-numbers", or my current address, which is something like "129A" — but the A is not considered as an apartment number for delivery services.

I've done this (rigorously model address structures in a database), and I would never do it again. You can't imagine how crazy the exceptions are that you'll have to take into account as a rule.

I vaguely recall some issue with Norwegian postal codes (I think), which were all 4 positions, except Oslo, which had 18 or so.

I'm positively sure that from the moment we started using the geographically correct ZIP codes for all of our own national addresses, quite a few people started complaining that their mail arrived too late. Turned out those people were living near a borderline between postal areas, and despite the fact that someone really lived in postal area, say, 1600, in reality his mail should be addressed to postal area 1610, because in reality it was that neighbouring postal area that actually served him, so sending his mail to his correct postal area would take that mail a couple of days longer to arrive, because of the unwanted intervention that was required in the correct postal office to forward it to the incorrect postal area ...

(We ended up registering those people with an address abroad in the country with ISO-code 'ZZ'.)

Adding to what @Jonathan Leffler and @Paul Fisher have said

If you ever anticipate having postal addresses for Canada or Mexico added to your requirements, storing postal-code as a string is a must. Canada has alpha-numeric postal codes and I don't remember what Mexico's look like off the top of my head.

Unless you are going to do maths on the street numbers or zip / postal codes, you are just inviting future pain by storing them as numerics.

You might save a few bytes here and there, and maybe get a faster index, but what do you when US postal, or whatever other country you are dealing with, decides the introduce alphas into the codes?

The cost of disk space is going to be a lot cheaper than the cost of fixing it later on... y2k anybody?