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Remote connect to clearDB heroku database

In heroku website, go to My Apps and select the app on which you have installed ClearDB.

On the top corner click on Addons and then select ClearDB MySQL Database. Once there, click on your database and choose the 'Endpoint Information' tab. There you see your username/password. The URL to the database can be acquired by running heroku config --app <YOUR-APP-NAME> in the command line.

In my case, it was something like: mysql://user:pass@us-cdbr-east.cleardb.com/DATABASE?reconnect=true What you need is this part: us-cdbr-east.cleardb.com

You run heroku config to get the CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL and it should be something of this format:

CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL => mysql://[username]:[password]@[host]/[database name]?reconnect=true

So basically you just look at your own url and get all you want from there. That's how i set up mysql workbench.

Paste this command in terminal

  heroku config | grep CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL

After this you will get Database URL. e.g this is your cleardb database URL.


Than this will be your database credentials. (Extracted from Above URL)

USER NAME = b0600ea495asds

PASSWORD = 9cd2b111

HOST = us-cdbr-hirone-west- 06.cleardb.net

DATABASE NAME = heroku_4a1dc3673c4114d

If you are using mySQL workbench, follow this schema. Go to Heroku > Your Applications Settings > Config Vars, and show the long URL. That url includes your username, password, the URL of the database and the default schema. Paste all of the information as follows below, and you will be able to successfully connect to the database. There was no real explaination on how to connect to ClearDB using mySQL workbench on this thread, so hopefully this helps someone who was struggling.

enter image description here