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Cannot issue data manipulation statements with executeQuery()





People also ask

What is executeQuery ()?

ExecuteQuery(Type, String, Object[]) Executes SQL queries directly on the database. ExecuteQuery<TResult>(String, Object[]) Executes SQL queries directly on the database and returns objects.

What type of value is returned by the executeQuery ()?

Output. executeQuery(): This method is used to execute statements that returns tabular data (example select). It returns an object of the class ResultSet.

Can we use executeQuery for insert?

When executing select queries we should use executeQuery method so that if someone tries to execute insert/update statement it will throw java. sql. SQLException with message “executeQuery method can not be used for update”.

What is executeUpdate in Java?

This executeUpdate method is specified by the executeUpdate method in the java. sql. Statement interface. If executing a stored procedure results in an update count that is greater than one, or that generates more than one result set, use the execute method to execute the stored procedure.

To manipulate data you actually need executeUpdate() rather than executeQuery().

Here's an extract from the executeUpdate() javadoc which is already an answer at its own:

Executes the given SQL statement, which may be an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement or an SQL statement that returns nothing, such as an SQL DDL statement.

When executing DML statement , you should use executeUpdate/execute rather than executeQuery.

Here is a brief comparison :


If you're using spring boot, just add an @Modifying annotation.

(value = "UPDATE user SET middleName = 'Mudd' WHERE id = 1", nativeQuery = true)
void updateMiddleName();

For Delete query - Use @Modifying and @Transactional before the @Query like:-

public interface CopyRepository extends JpaRepository<Copy, Integer> {

    @Query(value = "DELETE FROM tbl_copy where trade_id = ?1 ; ", nativeQuery = true)
    void deleteCopyByTradeId(Integer id);


It won't give the java.sql.SQLException: Can not issue data manipulation statements with executeQuery() error.


Since this answer is getting many upvotes, I shall refer you to the documentation as well for more understanding.


By default, CRUD methods on repository instances are transactional. For read operations, 
the transaction configuration readOnly flag is set to true. 
All others are configured with a plain @Transactional so that default transaction 
configuration applies.


Indicates a query method should be considered as modifying query as that changes the way 
it needs to be executed. This annotation is only considered if used on query methods defined 
through a Query annotation). It's not applied on custom implementation methods or queries 
derived from the method name as they already have control over the underlying data access 
APIs or specify if they are modifying by their name.

Queries that require a @Modifying annotation include INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and DDL 

Use executeUpdate() to issue data manipulation statements. executeQuery() is only meant for SELECT queries (i.e. queries that return a result set).

That's what executeUpdate is for.

Here's a very brief summary of the difference: http://www.coderanch.com/t/301594/JDBC/java/Difference-between-execute-executeQuery-executeUpdate

This code works for me: I set values whit an INSERT and get the LAST_INSERT_ID() of this value whit a SELECT; I use java NetBeans 8.1, MySql and java.JDBC.driver

                try {

        String Query = "INSERT INTO `stock`(`stock`, `min_stock`,   
                `id_stock`) VALUES ("

                + "\"" + p.get_Stock().getStock() + "\", "
                + "\"" + p.get_Stock().getStockMinimo() + "\","
                + "" + "null" + ")";

        Statement st = miConexion.createStatement();

        java.sql.ResultSet rs;
        rs = st.executeQuery("Select LAST_INSERT_ID() from stock limit 1");                
        rs.next(); //para posicionar el puntero en la primer fila
        ultimo_id = rs.getInt("LAST_INSERT_ID()");
        } catch (SqlException ex) { ex.printTrace;}