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Best Practice to Use HttpClient in Multithreaded Environment

People also ask

Is HttpClient multithreaded?

Concurrent execution of HTTP methodsHttpClient is fully thread-safe when used with a thread-safe connection manager such as MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager.

Is Java net HTTP HttpClient thread-safe?

Once created, an HttpClient instance is immutable, thus automatically thread-safe, and you can send multiple requests with it.

Should HttpClient be closed?

If you are processing HTTP responses manually instead of using a response handler, you need to close all the http connections by yourself.

What is the difference between HttpClient and CloseableHttpClient?

CloseableHttpClient is the base class of the httpclient library, the one all implementations use. Other subclasses are for the most part deprecated. The HttpClient is an interface for this class and other classes. You should then use the CloseableHttpClient in your code, and create it using the HttpClientBuilder .

Definitely Method A because its pooled and thread safe.

If you are using httpclient 4.x, the connection manager is called ThreadSafeClientConnManager. See this link for further details (scroll down to "Pooling connection manager"). For example:

    HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
    SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry();
    registry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80));
    ClientConnectionManager cm = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(params, registry);
    HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(cm, params);

Method A is recommended by httpclient developer community.

Please refer http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg02455.html for more details.

My reading of the docs is that HttpConnection itself is not treated as thread safe, and hence MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager provides a reusable pool of HttpConnections, you have a single MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager shared by all threads and initialised exactly once. So you need a couple of small refinements to option A.

MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager connman = new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManag

Then each thread should be using the sequence for every request, getting a conection from the pool and putting it back on completion of its work - using a finally block may be good. You should also code for the possibility that the pool has no available connections and process the timeout exception.

HttpConnection connection = null
try {
    connection = connman.getConnectionWithTimeout(
                        HostConfiguration hostConfiguration, long timeout) 
    // work
} catch (/*etc*/) {/*etc*/} finally{
    if ( connection != null )

As you are using a pool of connections you won't actually be closing the connections and so this should not hit the TIME_WAIT problem. This approach does assuume that each thread doesn't hang on to the connection for long. Note that conman itself is left open.

With HttpClient 4.5 you can do this:

CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.custom().setConnectionManager(new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager()).build();

Note that this one implements Closeable (for shutting down of the connection manager).

I think you will want to use ThreadSafeClientConnManager.

You can see how it works here: http://foo.jasonhudgins.com/2009/08/http-connection-reuse-in-android.html

Or in the AndroidHttpClient which uses it internally.