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Behaviour of feed operator pipeline



I'm experimenting with the feed operator using the following code:

my $limit=10000000;
my $list=(0,1...4);
sub task($_,$name) {
    say "Start $name on $*THREAD";
    loop ( my $i=0; $i < $limit; $i++ ){};
    say "End $name";

sub stage( &code, *@elements --> Seq) {
    map(&code,  @elements);

sub feeds() {
    my @results;
    ==> map ({ task($_, "stage 1"); say( now - ENTER now );$_+1})
    ==> map ({ task($_, "stage 2"); say( now - ENTER now );$_+1})
    ==> stage ({ task($_, "stage 3"); say( now - ENTER now );$_+1}) 
    ==> @results;

    say @results;

  • the task sub is just a loop to burn cpu cycles and displays the thread used
  • the stage sub is a wrapper around the map sub
  • each step of the feed pipeline maps to calling the cpu intensive task and timing it. The result of the map is the input +1

The output when run is:

Start stage 1 on Thread<1>(Initial thread)
End stage 1
Start stage 2 on Thread<1>(Initial thread)
End stage 2
Start stage 1 on Thread<1>(Initial thread)
End stage 1
Start stage 2 on Thread<1>(Initial thread)
End stage 2
Start stage 1 on Thread<1>(Initial thread)
End stage 1
Start stage 2 on Thread<1>(Initial thread)
End stage 2
Start stage 1 on Thread<1>(Initial thread)
End stage 1
Start stage 2 on Thread<1>(Initial thread)
End stage 2
Start stage 1 on Thread<1>(Initial thread)
End stage 1
Start stage 2 on Thread<1>(Initial thread)
End stage 2
Start stage 3 on Thread<1>(Initial thread)
End stage 3
Start stage 3 on Thread<1>(Initial thread)
End stage 3
Start stage 3 on Thread<1>(Initial thread)
End stage 3
Start stage 3 on Thread<1>(Initial thread)
End stage 3
Start stage 3 on Thread<1>(Initial thread)
End stage 3
[3 4 5 6 7]

The result in @result is correct (The input from $list in incremented 3 three times)

The output of the first two stages pulls/alternates but the third stage doesn't execute until the completion of all the input into stage 2

Is there an issue with my wrapper to the map sub causing this behaviour?

Also the time it takes to evaluate in the wrapper is significantly longer than a direct call to map.

Any help is appreciated.

like image 434
drclaw Avatar asked Mar 15 '19 08:03


1 Answers

The slurpy parameter is waiting to consume the entire sequence being passed to it. Consider the difference between:

perl6 -e 'sub foo($) { }; my $items := gather for 1..Inf { say $_ }; foo($items);'
perl6 -e 'sub foo(*@) { }; my $items := gather for 1..Inf { say $_ }; foo($items);'

The first example will finish, the second one will never finish. Thus you would want to change your stage function to:

sub stage( &code, $elements --> Seq) {
    map(&code,  $elements);
like image 141
ugexe Avatar answered Dec 10 '22 08:12
