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Basic Knockout JS mapping to a single JSON object

I'm very new to knockout and am creating a jquery mobile app wanting to get the benefits of knockout. I have spent the last day bashing my head against the wall for a very simple problem.. I have since deleted the code and went with a manual binding by hand (thus almost defeating the purpose of using KO over jquery).. Anyway, if someone could show me how to change what I have to use the real power of KO then it would be a great point for me to build on. Any code examples I could find were always for much more complex problems than this (dealing with arrays etc.)


{"id":9,"fullName":"John Doe","firstName":"John","lastName":"Doe","referenceNumber":"BUY-08","position":"Buyer","type":"Buyer","telephone":"028 82 240780","email":"[email protected]","departmentId":3,"departmentName":"DEPT B","country":"United Kingdom"}


    Full Name: <input data-bind="value: fullName" disabled="disabled"/> <br />
    Ref: <input data-bind="value: reference" disabled="disabled"/> <br />
    Position: <input data-bind="value: position" disabled="disabled"/> <br />
    Email: <input data-bind="value: email" disabled="disabled"/> <br />
    Dept: <input data-bind="value: departmentName" disabled="disabled"/> <br />
    Country: <input data-bind="value: country" disabled="disabled"/> <br />

My Javascript:

$(document).ready(function () { 

    function DetailsViewModel() {
        var self = this; 
        self.fullName = ko.observable("");
        self.reference = ko.observable("");
        self.email = ko.observable("");
        self.position = ko.observable("");
        self.departmentName = ko.observable("");
        self.country = ko.observable("");

        var success = function (data) {

            "GET", success); // simple wrapper I'm using for ajax calls

    ko.applyBindings(new DetailsViewModel()); 

Any help is greatly appreciated, Thanks!

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Shorttylad Avatar asked Nov 29 '12 14:11


1 Answers

Using of mapping plugin is very simple if you don't need any additional functions or computed for your view model. You should just pass your JSON to ko.mapping.fromJS:

var viewModel = {};

function success(data) {
    viewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(data);
webAPICall("api/user/getcurrentuser", "GET", success); 

Use fromJS function if data is JS object and fromJSON if it is JSON string. And make sure that you have the same property names in data-bind attributes and json.

Here is working example: http://jsfiddle.net/axrwkr/5t5fj/50/

like image 175
Artem Vyshniakov Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09

Artem Vyshniakov