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bash script code help to make zip/tar of several folders





I am very new in bash and never coded in before but this task is stuck so need to get rid of it . I need to make bash script to make a single compressed file with several dirs.

Like -


and all will be compressed to single file /var/file/bkup.[zip][tar.gz]

Thanks in advance

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Arshdeep Avatar asked Jun 17 '10 22:06


People also ask

How do I zip a tar folder?

tar -cf {tar-filename} /path/to/dir # step 1 - create the tarfile. gzip {tar-filename} # step 2 - compress the tarfile. However you can instruct the tar command to also do the gzipping for you: tar -cvzf {tar-filename} /path/to/dir # Here, tar compresses the tar file using the gzip utility.

Which command can be used to archive all the files with. txt extention into the parent directory with name archive tar?

gzip compression over tar archive with -z option It is the archive of every . txt file. The command is as follows: $ tar cvzf file.

3 Answers

# tar: (c)reate g(z)ip (v)erbose (f)ile [filename.tar.gz] [contents]...
tar -czvf /var/file/bkup.tar.gz /home/code/bots /var/config /var/system

# zip: (r)ecursive [filename.zip] [contents]...
zip -r /var/file/bkup.zip /home/code/bots /var/config /var/system
like image 57
John Kugelman Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11

John Kugelman

The problem as you've described it doesn't require a bash script, just tar.

tar cvzf /var/file/bkup.tar.gz /home/code/bots/ /var/config/ . . . /var/system/
like image 31
ire_and_curses Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11


You could create a bash file for it, if you intend to run it in a cronjob for example and add some other commands like a mysqldump beforehand

You need to create a file like backup.sh with the following contents (You may need to alter the path to bash, you can find bash with whereis bash)

# Backup script

DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)

# MySQL backup file

# Target file

# MySQL dump
# you cannot have a space between the option and the password. If you omit the password value 
# following the --password or -p option on the command line, you are prompted for one.
mysqldump -u root -ppassword --all-databases > $MYSQLTARGET

tar -czvf $TARTARGET $MYSQLTARGET /home/code/bots /var/config /var/system

PS. This is untested code. It's just an example of how a bash script works in the current replied context.

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Dennis Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11
