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Bash pipe and SIGTERM

I have a Bash script "script" which roughly looks like:


cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3

When I do a kill script (or more precisely when I do a 'stop script' in supervisord), not all cmd* are killed. How can I make sure they are terminated along with the script that spawned them?

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jldupont Avatar asked Feb 22 '12 22:02


2 Answers

Supervisord has stopasgroup and killasgroup options (false by default) which determine whether to propagate SIGTERM/SIGKILL signals to child processes.


(These config variables are both documented at http://supervisord.org/configuration.html.)

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mher Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09


Not sure about how using supervisord, but with pkill you can use the -P option to kill from a parent process down to all the children. Here's the process trees (starting from my running ssh daemon).

$ pstree -a -p 1792
  │   └─sshd,27153
  │       └─zsh,27154
  │           └─test.sh,27325 ./test.sh
  │               └─cat,27326
              └─pstree,27357 -a -p 1792

In one session I have a script test.sh with pid 27325, and in the other I'm running the command pstree -a -p 1792 (because sshd had pid 1792)

And after I run pkill -TERM -P 27325:

$ pstree -a -p 1792   
  │   └─sshd,27153
  │       └─zsh,27154
              └─pstree,27387 -a -p 1792

This answer was essentially rephrased from the this other answer on stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/a/392155/263969

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Tim Bielawa Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Tim Bielawa