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bash: choose default from case when enter is pressed in a "select" prompt

I'm prompting questions in a bash script like this:

optionsAudits=("Yep" "Nope")
    echo "Include audits?"
    select opt in "${optionsAudits[@]}"; do
        case $REPLY in
            1) includeAudits=true; break ;;
            2) includeAudits=false; break ;;
            "\n") echo "You pressed enter"; break ;; # <--- doesn't work
            *) echo "What's that?"; exit;;

How can I select a default option when enter is pressed? The "\n" case does not catch the enter key.

like image 967
joniba Avatar asked Mar 14 '17 14:03


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bash [filename] runs the commands saved in a file. $@ refers to all of a shell script's command-line arguments. $1 , $2 , etc., refer to the first command-line argument, the second command-line argument, etc. Place variables in quotes if the values might have spaces in them.

How do you prompt for input from user in Linux shell script?

You can use the built-in read command ; Use the -p option to prompt the user with a question. It should be noted that FILEPATH is the variable name you have chosen, and is set with the answer to the command prompt.

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The linux read command is used to take a user input from the command line. This is useful when we want to provide user interactivity at runtime. We can then use the $ sign in front of the variable name to access its value, e.g. $variable_name .

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Each case statement in bash starts with the 'case' keyword, followed by the case expression and 'in' keyword. The case statement is closed by 'esac' keyword. We can apply multiple patterns separated by | operator. The ) operator indicates the termination of a pattern list.

1 Answers

To complement Aserre's helpful answer, which explains the problem with your code and offers an effective workaround, with background information and a generic, reusable custom select implementation that allows empty input:

Background information

To spell it out explicitly: select itself ignores empty input (just pressing Enter) and simply re-prompts - user code doesn't even get to run in response.

In fact, select uses the empty string to signal to user code that an invalid choice was typed.
That is, if the output variable - $opt, int this case - is empty inside the select statement, the implication is that an invalid choice index was typed by the user.

The output variable receives the chosen option's text - either 'Yep' or 'Nope' in this case - not the index typed by the user.

(By contrast, your code examines $REPLY instead of the output variable, which contains exactly what the user typed, which is the index in case of a valid choice, but may contain extra leading and trailing whitespace).

Note that in the event that you didn't want to allow empty input, you could simply indicate to the user in the prompt text that ^C (Ctrl+C) can be used to abort the prompt.

Generic custom select function that also accepts empty input

The following function closely emulates what select does while also allowing empty input (just pressing Enter). Note that the function intercepts invalid input, prints a warning, and re-prompts:

# Custom `select` implementation that allows *empty* input.
# Pass the choices as individual arguments.
# Output is the chosen item, or "", if the user just pressed ENTER.
# Example:
#    choice=$(selectWithDefault 'one' 'two' 'three')
selectWithDefault() {

  local item i=0 numItems=$# 

  # Print numbered menu items, based on the arguments passed.
  for item; do         # Short for: for item in "$@"; do
    printf '%s\n' "$((++i))) $item"
  done >&2 # Print to stderr, as `select` does.

  # Prompt the user for the index of the desired item.
  while :; do
    printf %s "${PS3-#? }" >&2 # Print the prompt string to stderr, as `select` does.
    read -r index
    # Make sure that the input is either empty or that a valid index was entered.
    [[ -z $index ]] && break  # empty input
    (( index >= 1 && index <= numItems )) 2>/dev/null || { echo "Invalid selection. Please try again." >&2; continue; }

  # Output the selected item, if any.
  [[ -n $index ]] && printf %s "${@: index:1}"


You could call it as follows:

# Print the prompt message and call the custom select function.
echo "Include audits (default is 'Nope')?"
optionsAudits=('Yep' 'Nope')
opt=$(selectWithDefault "${optionsAudits[@]}")

# Process the selected item.
case $opt in
  'Yep') includeAudits=true; ;;
  ''|'Nope') includeAudits=false; ;; # $opt is '' if the user just pressed ENTER

Optional reading: A more idiomatic version of your original code

Note: This code doesn't solve the problem, but shows more idiomatic use of the select statement; unlike the original code, this code re-displays the prompt if an invalid choice was made:

optionsAudits=("Yep" "Nope")
echo "Include audits (^C to abort)?"
select opt in "${optionsAudits[@]}"; do
    # $opt being empty signals invalid input.
    [[ -n $opt ]] || { echo "What's that? Please try again." >&2; continue; }
    break # a valid choice was made, exit the prompt.

case $opt in  # $opt now contains the *text* of the chosen option
  'Nope') # could be just `*` in this case.


  • The case statement was moved out of the select statement, because the latter now guarantees that only valid inputs can be made.

  • The case statement tests the output variable ($opt) rather than the raw user input ($REPLY), and that variable contains the choice text, not its index.

like image 110
mklement0 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10
