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Bamboo does not want to create Artifacts



During build with Bamboo we creating file /var/atlassian/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/T4-TGDP-RD/release/dev_patch_release.tar.bz2. This file exist, checked it with command line.

At 'Artifact definitions' I have following pattern: **/release/*.bz2.

But unfortunately after build is done, in Bamboo -> Build -> Artifact No artifacts have been found for this build result..

In the same time, I have unit tests with result at **/extra/build/logs/*.xml that successfully parsed by JUnit.

So, I also created another artifact pattern with **/extra/build/logs/*.xml - still Bamboo does not see it, but JUnit parse it.

How do I create an artifact dev_patch_release.tar.bz2 with Bamboo?

Bamboo build Log:

simple      08-May-2014 23:11:33    Build Dev Patch - Release and Deploy #17 (T4-TGDP-RD-17) started building on agent Agent2
simple  08-May-2014 23:11:33    Build working directory is /var/atlassian/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/T4-TGDP-RD
simple  08-May-2014 23:11:33    Executing build Dev Patch - Release and Deploy #17 (T4-TGDP-RD-17)
simple  08-May-2014 23:11:33    Starting task 'Source Code Checkout' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout'    simple  08-May-2014 23:11:33    Updating source code to revision: c100a20080b08f79b6d1f566dc55a1f5154ff069
simple  08-May-2014 23:11:37    Updated source code to revision: c100a20080b08f79b6d1f566dc55a1f5154ff069
simple  08-May-2014 23:11:37    Finished task 'Source Code Checkout'
simple  08-May-2014 23:11:37    Running pre-build action: Clover Grails PreBuild Action
simple  08-May-2014 23:11:37    Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector
command 08-May-2014 23:11:37    Substituting variable: ${bamboo.build.working.directory} with /var/atlassian/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/T4-TGDP-RD    command 08-May-2014 23:11:37    Substituting variable: ${bamboo.buildResultKey} with T4-TGDP-RD-17
command 08-May-2014 23:11:37    Substituting variable: ${bamboo.repository.revision.number} with c100a20080b08f79b6d1f566dc55a1f5154ff069
simple  08-May-2014 23:11:37    Starting task 'Run Phing' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.command'
command 08-May-2014 23:11:37    Beginning to execute external process for build 'Dev Patch - Release and Deploy #17 (T4-TGDP-RD-17)'\n ... running command line: \n/usr/bin/phing -buildfile /var/atlassian/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/T4-TGDP-RD/bamboo-dev-patch.xml test\n ... in: /var/atlassian/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/T4-TGDP-RD\n ... using extra environment variables: \nrevision=c100a20080b08f79b6d1f566dc55a1f5154ff069\nbuild_result_key=T4-TGDP-RD-17\n
build   08-May-2014 23:11:39    [00;36mBuildfile: /var/atlassian/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/T4-TGDP-RD/bamboo-dev-patch.xml[0m
build   08-May-2014 23:11:39    [00;32m
build   08-May-2014 23:11:39    Dev Patch Build Plan > prepare:
build   08-May-2014 23:11:39    [0m
build   08-May-2014 23:11:39    [00;36m    [mkdir] Created dir: /var/atlassian/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/T4-TGDP-RD/release[0m
build   08-May-2014 23:12:05    Dev Patch Build Plan > test:
build   08-May-2014 23:12:05    [0m
build   08-May-2014 23:12:05    [00;36m     [echo] tar cfj /var/atlassian/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/T4-TGDP-RD/release/dev_patch_release.tar.bz2 ./[0m
build   08-May-2014 23:12:48    [00;32m
build   08-May-2014 23:12:48    BUILD FINISHED
build   08-May-2014 23:12:48    
build   08-May-2014 23:12:48    Total time: 1 minutes  9.67 seconds
build   08-May-2014 23:12:48    [0m
simple  08-May-2014 23:12:48    Finished task 'Run Phing'
simple  08-May-2014 23:12:48    Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
simple  08-May-2014 23:12:48    Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
simple  08-May-2014 23:12:48    Finalising the build...
simple  08-May-2014 23:12:48    Stopping timer.
simple  08-May-2014 23:12:48    Build T4-TGDP-RD-17 completed.
simple  08-May-2014 23:12:48    Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
simple  08-May-2014 23:12:48    Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
simple  08-May-2014 23:12:48    All post build plugins have finished
simple  08-May-2014 23:12:48    Generating build results summary...
simple  08-May-2014 23:12:48    Saving build results to disk...
simple  08-May-2014 23:12:48    Indexing build results...
simple  08-May-2014 23:12:48    Finished building T4-TGDP-RD-17.
like image 732
Pavlo Voznenko Avatar asked May 08 '14 14:05

Pavlo Voznenko

People also ask

How do you trigger a bamboo build?

To configure Bamboo to trigger a build on code check-in:From the Bamboo dashboard select Builds > All build plans. Locate the plan in the list and select the edit icon ( ) to display the plan's configuration pages. Select the Triggers tab, then Add trigger. Select Remote trigger.

Where does bamboo store artifacts?

Bamboo stores artifacts, build working and project directories in the home directory. There are some instances where users will be interested in having this stored outside of Bamboo or even in a network to preserve space on the build machine.

1 Answers

In artifact definition screen:

For Location specify a relative path to the files you want to create artifact For Copy pattern, specify the pattern to be copied.

For you case, put ./release into the Location box, then specify *.bz2 as a copy pattern.

For more info, see this issue https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/BAM-2149

like image 96
tmlai Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10
