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Fetch Build Statistics for an Application from Bamboo REST API




I am looking for the Bamboo REST API which give us all recent Build Activity of an Application within a time-frame like all build of Last_7_Days, Last_1_Day, Last_30_Days etc. Similar to the report we get in Bamboo UI for Build Activity of a Plan. In Bamboo Report we have three section Chart, Data Table and Builds. We have REST API for Chart. But I still couldn't found any REST API to get the Build Activity. Report format attached for reference. enter image description here

I tried Bamboo Chart API but its giving output as a chart image. Does anyone know any Bamboo REST API to fetch Build Activity of an Application?

I will appreciate your help. Thanks

like image 533
Roopendra Avatar asked Sep 20 '16 09:09


1 Answers

As you have found there are no direct REST APIs for build activity by time period.

I'd use the build REST API (https://developer.atlassian.com/bamboodev/rest-apis/bamboo-rest-resources#BambooRESTResources-BuildService%E2%80%94AllBuilds) and XLST to filter the results by time period.

like image 56
K Scandrett Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09

K Scandrett