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Bad local forwarding specification while connecting to cluster

I am connecting to a data cluster and following these steps:

(I obviously have my .ssh/config file set up properly)

  1. Open the tunnel

  2. SSH into the cluster

  3. Try to bind a port to the server so I can use a Jupyter notebook through this command: ssh -N -L 22127:localhost:22127 [cluster_name]

  4. Run the ipython command on the cluster through: ipython notebook --ip= --port=22127 --no-browser

In the end, on step 3, I always get a "Bad local forwarding error". Please note that I have people next to me who have the exact same commands and configurations on the .ssh/config file and can connect and run the Jupyter server.

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PL-RL Avatar asked Mar 12 '18 13:03


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1 Answers

Those both are UTF-8 encoded spaces.


Make sure you use second one.

like image 59
Neftanic Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10
