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How do use paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key()?

Any idea how I can use the paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key() function?

I know there is a from_private_key_file(), but I'm interested in using a function to parse a private key (like below) and use that private key for SSHClient.

Private key (sample):

-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIICXgIBAAKCAIEAmfgmlY95SHXhCeBNdkhSrsG4JVbqyew845yoZRX3wcS2/doz\niVQxgx0aiOwLi+/Rnkb3PLUIwoxb/LoD/W0YMS6/NSUMt+LdH+zsjeNF2iq4rDzU\nwDSqi27q/8u/egrK7H+9HNKEVXb/87utAAm3VTM9KqKaK3VuVFrNrnsDSuECAwEA\nAQKCAIBZn3y2KiGq8BLiMNJmO4sFdnW+Jm3cw8pdo17SGItzGxJ5iX3ePkfjzhkY\nAm5mMl6OBzj6+VX0CMeywIR6C/q8HwDYSmZcuU5v76/DoW5bI6xkPrroqEz6aRE5\nyN+2hf65RD3eoPATsdrP/kxiKjZg9uG9LhgIXyVwYFs1RcqewQJBAMCVJlEYXRio\neynUtyES9HNmUGUqHKmri1FZfO56/mFdG5ZXsKE48qURCAGVxI+goGQ4vtJIXB2J\nyTEr+5qYtE0CQQDMq9/iigk+XDOa9xGCbwxbLGdPawaEivezMVdPqVzH971L6kZ8\nhEnev1DqujgGCyR+QYPW1ZCXH05FY9CqWwrlAkATzYJyJlI0XebER2ZJVVyjnSq5\nLFpkLAqYY95P23/a3SsgC4ZTHbr9tEGhgBgFONwlUhx1HRGzy95PWxl1LSylAkBk\nwP93v8gJIM5urM27zfrhLxy0ZdVRji+d0N5QYuk/r19KbcvBJEZRFxE4W++UWgve\n81V5fqytGEYptpdUJXlZAkEArxZDiT1HXXGciIgzZbh53McogPCGHiKOOPSjpM41\npneDFVvwgezCWoDauxNDzu7Nl55qPJsmvfKZ+SKvCajrhQw==\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n

Code I wanted to run:

import paramiko
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
# how do I pass in the private_key, when my private_key (shown above) is in string?
mykey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(private_key) 
ssh.connect('', username = 'vinod', pkey = mykey)

Many thanks.

like image 592
Mickey Cheong Avatar asked Apr 01 '12 09:04

Mickey Cheong

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1 Answers

Lev's method worked for me:

>>> import paramiko
>>> f = open('/path/to/key.pem','r')
>>> s = f.read()
>>> import StringIO
>>> keyfile = StringIO.StringIO(s)
>>> mykey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(keyfile)
>>> ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
>>> ssh.connect('myserver.compute-1.amazonaws.com', username='ubuntu', pkey=mykey)
>>> stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('uptime')
>>> stdout.readlines()
[' 19:21:10 up 24 days, 42 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.14, 0.06, 0.05\n']
like image 121
Paul Zielinski Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09

Paul Zielinski