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Azure SQL Database pricing is per database server or per user-created database


For Azure SQL Database pricing, the pricing is mentioned as $x/hour

Question: Let's say that 'x' is $2/hour. If I create 10 different user databases for my application, will I pay 10 times the hourly cost i.e. $20/hour or will I pay just $2/hour since the cost is for a database server?

I am not sure if I will be charged for each user-created database i.e. each of these 10 databases or just for one database server.

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Sunil Avatar asked Mar 23 '15 16:03


2 Answers

You will be charged for each user-created database i.e. each of these 10 databases depending of their pricing tier.


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citleon Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10


A new service plan was announced 04/2015, called SQL Azure Elastic database pool. As of today, it is still in preview mode, but pricing is available here -- make sure you click on Elastic Database button to see the prices.

With Elastic database pool the pricing model is as follows. First, you pay per pool, based on number of performance units you reserve for the pool (DTUs). Then you pay additionally for each database, which is part of the pool. The per-database price is quite small (currently around $1.26/mo), so most of your expenses will be a payments for DTUs, that are shared across all databases of your pool.


As of May 2016, Azure SQL Database elastic pool is generally available. The pricing details are also updated. As of today, you can get up to 200 databases in Basic Tier for $149/month, which boils down to $0.745 per month per database.

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seva titov Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10

seva titov