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AWS SQS not receiving SNS messages

I created a SNS topic that publishes all the information coming out of Cloudformation via the cli. However, when I check the queue, it is not receiving any of the SNS messages. I verified the SNS is working by subscribing my email to it, so the issue seems to be in the connection between the queue and the SNS. However, I cannot find any problems with my syntax. I, as far as I know, have followed amazon's documentation precisely.


#SNS parameters

#Create SNS topic to send cloudformation notifications to
SNS_ARN=`aws sns create-topic --name ${SNS_NAME} | jq -r '.TopicArn'`

#Create SQS to send SNS to (holding SNS messages for lambda -^ up)
SQS_URL=`aws sqs create-queue --queue-name ${SQS_NAME} | jq -r '.QueueUrl'`
SQS_ARN=`aws sqs get-queue-attributes --queue-url ${SQS_URL} --attribute-names QueueArn | jq -r '.Attributes .QueueArn'`

#subscribe the queue to the notifications
aws sns subscribe --topic-arn ${SNS_ARN} --protocol sqs --notification-endpoint ${SQS_ARN}
aws sns subscribe --topic-arn ${SNS_ARN} --protocol email-json --notification-endpoint ${EMAIL}

#Create the stack which kicks everything else off-
aws cloudformation create-stack $REGIONTEXT $ITYPETEXT --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --template-url https://${BUCKETNAME}.s3.amazonaws.com/${TEMPLATE} --notification-arns ${SNS_ARN} --stack-name $NAME --parameters ParameterKey=SNSARN,ParameterValue=${SNS_ARN} ParameterKey=Bucket,ParameterValue=${BUCKETNAME} ${PARAMTEXT} ${EXTRAARGS}
like image 761
asdf Avatar asked Aug 03 '16 22:08


People also ask

Can SQS push to SNS?

SQS cannot publish messages to SNS. SQS can only store the messages. You have to pull the message using SQS Api's. Hope this helps you!

How do SQS and SNS work together?

When you subscribe an Amazon SQS queue to an Amazon SNS topic, you can publish a message to the topic and Amazon SNS sends an Amazon SQS message to the subscribed queue. The Amazon SQS message contains the subject and message that were published to the topic along with metadata about the message in a JSON document.

Is SNS required for SQS?

If you want unknown number and type of subscribers to receive messages, you need SNS. You don't have to couple SNS and SQS always. You can have SNS send messages to email, SMS or HTTP end point apart from SQS.

1 Answers

It doesn't look like you have given the SNS topic permission to publish to the SQS queue. Look at step 2 in this walkthrough. You'll need to add a policy like this to the SQS queue:


Replacing the ARNs with the ones for your topic and queue.

like image 82
Mark B Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10

Mark B