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Getting ID of an instance newly launched with ec2-api-tools

I'm launching an EC2 instance, by invoking ec2-run-instances from simple a bash script, and want to perform further operations on that instance (e.g. associate elastic IP), for which I need the instance id.

The command is something like ec2-run-instances ami-dd8ea5a9 -K pk.pem -C cert.pem --region eu-west-1 -t c1.medium -n 1, and its output:

RESERVATION r-b6ea58c1    696664755663    default
INSTANCE    i-945af9e3    ami-dd8ea5b9    pending    0    c1.medium    2010-04-15T10:47:56+0000    eu-west-1a    aki-b02a01c4    ari-39c2e94d   

In this example, i-945af9e3 is the id I'm after.

So, I'd need a simple way to parse the id from what the command returns - how would you go about doing it? My AWK is a little rusty... Feel free to use any tool available on a typical Linux box. (If there's a way to get it directly using EC2-API-tools, all the better. But afaik there's no EC2 command to e.g. return the id of the most recently launched instance.)

like image 594
Jonik Avatar asked Apr 15 '10 11:04


People also ask

How do I find my instance AMI ID?

To find the most recent AMI for your account, you can search with an AMS SKMS CLI command or use the AMS console details page for relevant VPC: Use the AMS console: Available AMIs are listed on the AMI page in the AMS console. Select from AMIs with names that begin with "customer-".

How do I find my EC2 instance metadata?

To view instance metadata, you can only use the link-local address of 169.254. 169.254 to access. Requests to the metadata via the URI are free, so there are no additional charges from AWS. Using the curl tool on Linux or the PowerShell cmdlet Invoke-WebRequest on Windows, you will first create your token.

2 Answers

Completing your correct answer, here is a shell script which creates an instance, runs some commands and deletes the instance. It uses awk in the same way as yours.


# Creates an Amazon EC2 virtual machine (an instance) and runs some
# shell commands on it before terminating it. Just an example.
# Stephane Bortzmeyer <[email protected]>

# Parameters you can set.
# Choose an AMI you like (ami-02103876 is a Debian "lenny")
# Create your key pair first, for instance on the Web interface
# The user name to use depends on the AMI. "root" is common but check
# the documentation of the AMI.
# Needs to be a legal Unix group of commands
COMMANDS="(uname -a; df -h; cat /etc/debian_version)"

# If you want to change from the default region, set the environment
# variable EC2_URL for instance 'export
# EC2_URL=https://ec2.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com' to use the 'eu-west-1'
# region

# Also, be sure your default security group allows incoming SSH.

if [ "${EC2_PRIVATE_KEY}" = "" ] || [ "${EC2_CERT}" = "" ]; then
    echo "You need to have X.509 certificate and private key locally, and to set the environment variables EC2_PRIVATE_KEY and EC2_CERT to indicate their locations" 1>&2
    exit 1

start=$(ec2-run-instances --key ${KEY} $AMI)
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "Machine did not start" 1>&2
    exit 1

AMI_E=$(echo "$start" | awk '/^INSTANCE/ {print $3}')
if [ "$AMI_E" != "$AMI" ]; then
    echo "AMI does not match (got $AMI_E instead of $AMI), the machine probably did not start" 1>&2
    exit 1
INSTANCE=$(echo "$start" | awk '/^INSTANCE/ {print $2}')

# I do not find a way to block until the machine is ready. We

# apparently have to poll.
while [ $OVER != 1 ] && [ $TESTS -lt $MAX_TESTS ]; do
    description=$(ec2-describe-instances ${INSTANCE})
    STATE=$(echo "$description" | awk '/^INSTANCE/ {print $6}')
    NAME=$(echo "$description" | awk '/^INSTANCE/ {print $4}')
    if [ "$NAME" = "" ]; then
        echo "No instance ${INSTANCE} available. Crashed or was terminated." 1>&2
        exit 1
    if [ $STATE = "running" ]; then
        # I like bc but 'echo $(( TESTS+=1 ))' should work, too. Or expr.
        TESTS=$(echo $TESTS+1 | bc)
        sleep 2
if [ $TESTS = $MAX_TESTS ]; then
    echo "${INSTANCE} never got to running state" 1>&2
    ec2-terminate-instances ${INSTANCE}
    exit 1
echo "$INSTANCE is running, name is $NAME"
# The SSH server does not seem reachable immediately. We again have to poll
while [ $OVER != 1 ] && [ $TESTS -lt $MAX_CONNECTS ]; do
    ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -i ${KEYDIR}/${KEY}.pem ${USERNAME}@$NAME "${COMMANDS}"
    if [ $? != 255 ]; then
        # It means we connected successfully (even if the remote command failed)
        TESTS=$(echo $TESTS+1 | bc)
        sleep 3
if [ $TESTS = $MAX_CONNECTS ]; then
    echo "Cannot connect to ${NAME}" 1>&2
ec2-terminate-instances ${INSTANCE}
like image 111
bortzmeyer Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 16:09


Ok, at least something like this should work:

instance_id=$(ec2-run-instances ami-dd8ea5a9 [...] | awk '/INSTANCE/{print $2}') 

Admittedly I was a bit lazy thinking that it's quicker to ask on SO than to relearn some AWK basics... :-)

Edit: simplified AWK usage as Dennis suggested. Also, using $() instead of `` for clarity, and got rid of intermediate variable.

like image 31
Jonik Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
