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Automatically "Attach to Running Process" in Visual Studio 2012/2013 [duplicate]

I have to debug in Visual Studio 2013 a site hosted on local IIS.

For that purpose I sistematically use the "Debug -> Attach to Process -> w3wp.exe".

I saw some macros solutions, like this one, that should work for the Visual Studio versions prior to VS 2012...

Is there a way to do something on that point in the recent versions of VS?

like image 999
serhio Avatar asked May 22 '14 11:05


1 Answers

Two plugins that do this:

Debug Attach Manager

Find it here: VS2012 and VS2013

Indeed after initial selection of workers it's a simple Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F5 to re-attach the same.

The plugin handily shows the title of websites with the workers.


Find it here: VS2012 and VS2013

This is a larger plugin, which is quite popular, and has similar features but arguably more beautiful UI:

enter image description hereenter image description here

like image 123
sehe Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
