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Automatic deployement with Jenkins/jetty

I would like to setup a continuous integration environment whereby after committing the source code, it triggers a build process that checks out the code, runs tests, constructs a war file and deploys the same to jetty server such that the users/testers can access the application on the browser.

Is this possible ?

Am using maven and jetty (I am not willing to change this. I use jetty both for development and in production). For CI, I am exploring Jenkins but am open to other opensource solutions.

If possible, how do I setup the environment.

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joshua Avatar asked Jun 06 '11 09:06


2 Answers

I found a maven plugin named cargo. It has everything that I needed. I added it into my pom so that I could deploy and undeploy using mvn cargo:deploy/mvn cargo:undeploy. I created a new jenkins job and added undeploy, package deploy maven goals as build steps. Everything is working perfectly.

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joshua Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 11:10


it's definitely possible. In a previous project, the build server (teamcity) copied the war to a shared nfs location between the build server and the application server and run a little shell script that connected to the application server and restarted jetty.

We used ant inside maven to manage the deployment, I remember we used the copy and sshexec tasks.

I'm sure that there are many other solutions, but that one worked for us.

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Augusto Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 13:10
