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goimports needs to ignore vendor package

I am trying to implement dep in my project. This is all working well but it also adds a vendor directory. I now need to update my tooling to ignore this directory or my vendored packages will be modified or I get false positives of warnings. I am currently using the following tooling:

  • goimports -w
  • go vet
  • go lint

These tools are also used in CI. I do want to keep autoformatting using goimports, but I am willing to start using gometalinter. I am not really looking for a solution using grep and find magic.

How can I make these tools ignore vendor/?

like image 432
snorberhuis Avatar asked Nov 28 '17 10:11


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1 Answers

gometalinter has a "--vendor" flag to ignore the vendor folder. the flag passes the needed paramters to the underlying tools to ignore the folder.

so one solution would be to use only govet, golint und goimports with gometalinter

gometalinter --disable-all --enable=vet --enable=golint --enable=goimports --vendor ./...

another solution might be (copied from gist):

goimports -d $(find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "./vendor/*")

imho I would prefer the first solution. That way you could easily add other linters as needed.

like image 124
S. Diego Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10

S. Diego