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Automated testing for iPhone [closed]

People also ask

What is automation testing in iOS?

UI Automation is a JavaScript library provided by Apple Inc, which can be used to perform an automated test on real devices and on iOS Simulator. This framework is added to iOS SDK4. 0. Using UI Automation, you can automate testing the application not only on the simulator but also the real device.

What is the name of automation framework which commonly using to automate iOS applications?

Appium. Appium is a popular open-source test framework that enables QA engineers to automate cross-platform (Android, iOS) mobile applications.

How do I enable UI automation on my Iphone?

Enable UI Automation On the Device On the iOS device, navigate to Settings > Developer. In the UI Automation section, turn on the setting for Enable UI Automation.

iPhone OS 4.0 (just announced) includes a "UIAutomation Instrument" for test automation.

Automated testing
Automate the testing of your application by scripting touch events using the new UIAutomation Instrument.

From: http://developer.apple.com/technologies/iphone/whats-new.html#tools

Here's an article about automated user interface testing for the iPhone that you may find helpful. It's a little kludgy but it probably gets the job done for certain tasks. Note that I haven't yet tried it myself.

Gorilla Logic has just open sourced a true record/playback functional testing tool for the iPhone. It's called FoneMonkey and it's freely available at http://www.gorillalogic.com/fonemonkey.

How to use UIAutomation to create iPhone UI tests:
