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Autocomplete - How can I set a default value?



Does anyone know how to add a default value to the Autocomplete component? The component have a dataSource, and I'd like to load the page with a specific item already selected(e.g. fill the text field with the selected item's text and it's value already set).

Does anyone knows how? Big thanks for any help <3

like image 859
betoharres Avatar asked Mar 04 '17 19:03


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If you need to set the initial value for your Autocomplete component and then never programmatically update it again, the best option is the defaultValue prop. This prop accepts a value that only gets rendered until an option is selected from the Autocomplete's dropdown list.

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To get the value in the React Material-UI autocomplete, we can get the selected values from the onChange callback. We add the Autocomplete from the @material-ui/lab module. And we set the options prop to the top5films array to add the options for the autocomplete.

1 Answers

You can achieve this by setting the appropriate state in componentDidMount, for example:

componentDidMount() {
    // load your items into your autocomplete

    // set your default selected item
    this.setState({ allItems: [itemYouWantToSet], selectedItem: item.name, selectedItemId: item.id }

render() {
    return (
		    getItemValue={(item) => item.name}
		    onSelect={(value, item) => {
		        this.setState({ selectedItem: value, selectedItemId: value, allItems: [item] });

Then your item is correctly selected from the list of available options when it loads.

like image 187
mscrivo Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09
