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Get MUI Slider value in onDragStop event

I want to fire an event onDragStop rather than onChange using a MUI Slider in my React app (so that the event fires fewer times). However, the documentation indicates that the onDragStop function signature only has the mouseevent: function(event: object) => void. So, the following works with onChange:

<Slider onChange={ (e, val) => this.props.update(e, control.id, val) }  />

However, this event doesn't have a second parameter val:

<Slider onDragStop={ (e, val) => this.props.update(e, control.id, val) }  />

How can I get the current value of the Slider in the onDragStop function? Note, I'm unable to use this, as it refers to the parent component.

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mike Avatar asked Nov 22 '17 16:11


Video Answer

2 Answers

In a newer version of Material UI you could use:

  onChange={} // for example updating a state value
  onChangeCommitted={} // for example fetching new data
like image 102
Wannes Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09


Also ran into this problem! If you use a component inside a class, use both callbacks:

<Slider onChange={ (e, val) => this.val = val }  
        onDragStop={ (e) => this.props.update(e, control.id, this.val)
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Masterstvo_ Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09
