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How to clear the text in a MUI Autocomplete?

I have an Autocomplete field which uses:

searchText = {this.state.searchText}

like this;

  floatingLabelText='agent input'
  hintText="type response"
  multiLine = {true}
  fullWidth = {true}
  searchText = {this.state.searchText}

But when I update the this.setState({searchText: null }) it will clear the autoComplete once, but not the second time.

Not sure if this is a bug or if there's another way to reset the field.

I also tried looking for the field and adding a ref but no luck.

Filed here in case it's a bug https://github.com/callemall/material-ui/issues/2615

like image 267
dcsan Avatar asked Dec 21 '15 01:12


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1 Answers

Try also to change searchText on every input update:


This function should change searchText whenever user changes the input:

handleUpdateInput(text) {
    searchText: text

My code looks as follows (ES6):

class MyComponent extends Component {
  constructor (props) {

    this.dataSource = ['a', 'b' ,'c']
    this.state = {
        searchText: ''


  handleUpdateInput (t) { this.setState({ searchText: t }) }

  handleSelect (t) { this.setState( { searchText: '' }) }

  render () {
    return <AutoComplete dataSource={this.dataSource}

Here I want to clear input when user presses enter or chooses some item from the list (so I clear searchText in handleSelect) but I also change state of searchText on every input update (handleUpdateInput).

I hope it will work for you!

like image 163
Magda Chmielewska Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Magda Chmielewska