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Authentication Test Servers

I'm searching for examples of public HTTPS sites that use one of the following authentication types - these sites will be used as test servers for an application currently under development.

BASIC authentication
DIGEST authentication
NTLM authentication

The test servers need to be using SSL as well as one of the above auth types. Any site suggestions? Preferably the sites should provide free accounts.


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Chrisc Avatar asked Jun 28 '11 15:06


3 Answers

httpbin.org has public endpoints for HTTP Basic and Digest Authentication (in each example, replace :user and :passwd with the test values you'd like to check against - :qop, too, for Digest):

  • /basic-auth/:user/:passwd Challenges HTTPBasic Auth.
  • /hidden-basic-auth/:user/:passwd 404'd BasicAuth.
  • /digest-auth/:qop/:user/:passwd Challenges HTTP Digest Auth.

Each endpoint is available in both HTTP and HTTPS.

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John Sheehan Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 01:10

John Sheehan

As an example for testing HTTP authentication:


In order to check a successful authorization you can enter httpwatch as the username. It doesn't matter what you enter for the password field, it just needs to be different every time.

I also put this link if the above one will not work in the future:

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Ayaz Alifov Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10

Ayaz Alifov

To have a reliable test system, you should setup your own Apache web server. It can easily provide SSL encryption and basic/digest auth:



An NTLM module is available as well:



Otherwise you could run into legal troubles for violating the terms of use for public web sites.

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Wintermute Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10
