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How can Meteor apps be tested? [closed]

What are the recommended ways to test web applications developed with the meteor framework?

The meteor unofficial FAQ entry on TDD best practices is quite short.

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theIntuitionist Avatar asked Apr 12 '12 17:04


2 Answers

Sebastian Maier has a repository where he created a meteor app and tests it with Jasmine. You could check it out, here's a link.

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Martin Josefsson Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Martin Josefsson

The Meteor documentation is woefully and/or intentionally silent on the subject of testing, other than this one quote:

Great care has been taken to give the core Meteor packages the minimal set of dependencies, so you can use your favorite templating, testing, or DOM manipulation frameworks.

So I guess you're free to test however you like, which is supposed to be a feature.

There are a number of fine testing tools that would be applicable to a Meteor webapp, Mocha being one example.

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Yusuf X Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Yusuf X