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Attach GIF to TWTRComposer?

In my iOS app, I would like to enable users to tweet GIFs.

I have a working TWTRComposer and tried attaching a GIF by using the SetImage method:

[composer setImage:[UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:self.localGifURL]]];

The image then appears in the composer view, but when the image gets posted to Twitter, it's a static image rather than a GIF.

Is it possible to attach a GIF to a tweet created with TWTRComposer?


I tried integrating this library to create an animated UIImage:


Updating my code, I have the following:

[composer setImage:[UIImage animatedImageWithAnimatedGIFURL:self.localGifURL]];

But this still results in a static image on Twitter.

Edit #2

One other observation - if I save the GIF to my phone and try to share it on Twitter directly from the Photo library (which opens up what looks to be a TWTRComposer window), it posts as an image, not a GIF. Which leads me to that you may not be able to attach a GIF to a TWTRComposer...

like image 551
scientiffic Avatar asked Aug 14 '15 20:08


1 Answers

I don't believe that the TWTRComposer currently supports animated GIF or video attachments. I think you'd have to call the media/upload REST API endpoint directly to post the attachment, and then use the statuses/update method to attach them to a Tweet.

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Andy Piper Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 10:10

Andy Piper