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What does the SceneKit statistics window tell us?

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This is the window that opens when showStatistics is set to true. I'm curious about the meaning of all these symbols? So far I figured it out that frames per second need to be as high as they can be and as constant as well. What do others mean and what are they useful for?

like image 529
potato Avatar asked Jul 03 '15 21:07


1 Answers

Here's what you see (note: I know most of them from experience so feel free to correct me in comments if I'm wrong):

  • The red and grey bar is kind of a performance review. It's based on the FPS and you should do everything to keep it green and full. Right now, it's pretty bad!
  • GL tells you which rendering engine you're using
  • 6FPS is your framerate. That means how many times your screen is updated in one second. Your target should be 60, (it's the maximum, and what is expected from modern games), but 30 is acceptable.
  • That diamond with the 6 is the node count, i.e. how many nodes are in your scene graph.
  • 40.3k is the polycount, or the number of polygons in your scene. This seems pretty high considering you only have 6 nodes and can explain the low FPS.
  • That donut chart is what each frame spends its time doing. In your case, you can see most of the time is spent on rendering (the section on the right explains the meaning for each color)
  • 0.2s is the time spent to render each frame. It's directly linked to the framerate.
like image 141
Moustach Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10
