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Atom: Can't search for Packages or Themes in the Install Packages section of Settings [closed]

I'm new to Atom (and relatively new to programming) and I just installed it about a few hours ago. I was trying to set it up by installing some new packages and themes in the Install Packages section of Settings. It was working fine for a while but now I'm getting errors when I try to search. A red box appears below the search field with this error:

Searching for pre failed.Hide output
i.filter is not a function
[object Object]

I'm on Windows 10 with Atom 1.49.0 x64 installed. Python 3.8 is also installed with the path set. It seems to run code fine. I even found a theme on the Atom website and was able to install from there, I just can't search. I feel like I messed something up.

I've searched Google, Stack Overflow, and the discussion section for Atom and I'm finding nothing that fixes this issue. I've restarted my computer and uninstalled/reinstalled Atom. I will say that after I reinstalled Atom, it still had all my setting changes I had made and it had all the packages that I had already installed still there. So maybe the uninstall didn't remove those with the program. But I wouldn't know where to go to clear that.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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terbik Avatar asked Jul 22 '20 04:07


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How do I reset my Atom settings?

restart-atom package Press CTRL-ALT-X in the workspace to restart Atom.

1 Answers

Atom Server seems to have a problem today. Packages that were installed well a few days ago are not available today.

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chang kyu Park Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10

chang kyu Park