For what purpose is the class Meta:
used in the class inside the Django file?
A metaclass in Python is a class of a class that defines how a class behaves. A class is itself an instance of a metaclass. A class in Python defines how the instance of the class will behave. In order to understand metaclasses well, one needs to have prior experience working with Python classes.
What is class Meta in Django serializer? It serves the same point as using a Meta class object inside a Django model class, or a form class, etc. It's a standard pattern to attach configuration (metadata) to a set of fields that make up the model, form, or in this case, serializer.03-Mar-2020.
What are abstract base classes, definition by Django: “Abstract base classes are useful when you want to put some common information into a number of other models. You write your base class and put abstract=True in the Meta class. This model will then not be used to create any database table.
Ordering is basically is used to change the order of your model fields. Order by your_field ascending ordering = ['your_field'] Order by your_field descending ordering = ['-your_field']
Serializer classes can also include reusable validators that are applied to the complete set of field data. These validators are included by declaring them on an inner Meta class.
Also when you are defining a serializer then meta tags will help the serializer to bind that object in the specified format
Below are some of the examples :
class EventSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
name = serializers.CharField()
room_number = serializers.IntegerField(choices=[101, 102, 103, 201])
date = serializers.DateField()
class Meta:
# Each room only has one event per day.
validators = UniqueTogetherValidator(
fields=['room_number', 'date']
class AccountSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Account
fields = ['id', 'account_name', 'users', 'created']
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