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how to convert a dataframe of counts to a probability density function

Suppose that I have the following observations of integers:

df = pd.DataFrame({'observed_scores': [100, 100, 90, 85, 100, ...]})

I know that this can be used as an input to make a density plot:


but suppose that what I have is a counts table:

df = pd.DataFrame({'observed_scores': [100, 95, 90, 85, ...], 'counts': [1534, 1399, 3421, 8764, ...})

which is cheaper to store than the full observed_scores Series (I have LOTS of observations).

I know it's possible to plot the histogram using the counts, but how do I plot the density plot? If possible, can it be done without having to unstack/unravel the counts table into thousands of rows?

like image 350
irene Avatar asked Jun 22 '20 15:06


People also ask

How do you convert a count to probability?

So, you need to convert from counts to probabilities. It is actually easy - you need to sum all counts and then divide each letter's value to the total number of letters in the text.

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The function fX(x) gives us the probability density at point x. It is the limit of the probability of the interval (x,x+Δ] divided by the length of the interval as the length of the interval goes to 0. Remember that P(x<X≤x+Δ)=FX(x+Δ)−FX(x). =dFX(x)dx=F′X(x),if FX(x) is differentiable at x.

How do you convert density to probability?

To translate the probability density ρ(x) into a probability, imagine that Ix is some small interval around the point x. Then, assuming ρ is continuous, the probability that X is in that interval will depend both on the density ρ(x) and the length of the interval: Pr(X∈Ix)≈ρ(x)×Length of Ix.

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MatPlotLib with Python Compute the histogram of a set of data with data and bins=10. Find the probability distribution function (pdf). Using pdf (Step 5), calculate cdf. Plot the cdf using plot() method with label "CDF".

1 Answers

IIUC, statsmodels lets you fit a weighted KDE:

from statsmodels.nonparametric.kde import KDEUnivariate

df = pd.DataFrame({'observed_scores': [100, 95, 90, 85],
                   'counts': [1534, 1399, 3421, 8764]})

kde1= KDEUnivariate(df.observed_scores)
kde_noweight = KDEUnivariate(df.observed_scores)
kde1.fit(weights=df.counts, fft=False)
plt.plot(kde1.support, kde1.density)
plt.plot(kde_noweight.support, kde_noweight.density)
plt.legend(['weighted', 'unweighted'])


enter image description here

like image 68
Juan C Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 09:10

Juan C